The Student Room Group

Need help pulling off an all nighter- CHALLENGE involved

Hi guys,

Well heres the situation: I have a ton of school work to do and It will not be finished before 12am. So i am considering staying awake all night. The latest I have ever stayed awake until was 7am and i was sooo tired by the morning.

firstly, does anyone have any tips on how I should keep myself awake (no fizzy drinks or caffeine please).

secondly, the challenge is-

is anyone willing to pull an allnighter off with me. we can motivate each other to stay awake. anyone can join. just let me know below.

i cant really give anyone a prize for staying awake with me because i dont know anyone BUT the prize is that you would have done some revision or work during this time.

please post your tips below and dont forget to let me know if you want to take part. also does anyone know how i should keep myself awake tomorrow.

thanks guys :smile:
Reply 1
hello there!
alas all nighters are ill advised, but i have done them more times than i can possibly count!

here are a couple of good tips:
snack, even if it is just water. in fact, some water is great for an all nighter.
sit up, dont get into an overly comfortable position.
splash some cold water on your face now and then.
listen to something new!
Original post by tweety97
Hi guys,

Well heres the situation: I have a ton of school work to do and It will not be finished before 12am. So i am considering staying awake all night. The latest I have ever stayed awake until was 7am and i was sooo tired by the morning.

firstly, does anyone have any tips on how I should keep myself awake (no fizzy drinks or caffeine please).

secondly, the challenge is-

is anyone willing to pull an allnighter off with me. we can motivate each other to stay awake. anyone can join. just let me know below.

i cant really give anyone a prize for staying awake with me because i dont know anyone BUT the prize is that you would have done some revision or work during this time.

please post your tips below and dont forget to let me know if you want to take part. also does anyone know how i should keep myself awake tomorrow.

thanks guys :smile:

alright lets do it, but how we gonna be in contact?
oooh i love a all nighter- done loads of these. I tend to keep snacks especially water. Lots of music!!

Taking breaks also helps where you just lay down or watch some youtube/tiktoks or scroll through insta :smile:
Original post by COOLLIO98
oooh i love a all nighter- done loads of these. I tend to keep snacks especially water. Lots of music!!

Taking breaks also helps where you just lay down or watch some youtube/tiktoks or scroll through insta :smile:

whats the longest u been awake
Original post by BOSSMANnSMOKE
whats the longest u been awake

So for my dissertation i stayed up a whole night and then went uni got back and then carried on working till about 4am so if my math is correct about 40+ hours. Probably 45

Go shopping online
Original post by COOLLIO98
So for my dissertation i stayed up a whole night and then went uni got back and then carried on working till about 4am so if my math is correct about 40+ hours. Probably 45


ooh thats a lot, one time i was addicted to a game called brawl stars, i was playin it non stop, did 24 hra tried to do 48 but i closed my eyes for one second while lyin down and fell asleep, so did 6 am to around 12pm, which is like 42 hours
Original post by BOSSMANnSMOKE
ooh thats a lot, one time i was addicted to a game called brawl stars, i was playin it non stop, did 24 hra tried to do 48 but i closed my eyes for one second while lyin down and fell asleep, so did 6 am to around 12pm, which is like 42 hours

Damn, thats still a lot! :eek: I play call of duty mobile but i dont think i can play more than a few hours since it gets boring when there are lots of bots playing. :colonhash:
Original post by COOLLIO98
Damn, thats still a lot! :eek: I play call of duty mobile but i dont think i can play more than a few hours since it gets boring when there are lots of bots playing. :colonhash:

yh i quit now its dead, i was addicted for god knows why
Original post by BOSSMANnSMOKE
alright lets do it, but how we gonna be in contact?

Please note that the thread was from 8 years ago
Please note that the thread was from 8 years ago

looool , i didn't even notice :eek:
Original post by COOLLIO98
looool , i didn't even notice :eek:

No worries :wink:
wheres my reply:mad:
For me a full glass of white wine helps.