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GCSEs in a month and I've done no revision

My exams start on May 13th and I haven't started any 'proper' revision yet. I just cant focus or concentrate for long enough. Any tips on how to revise effectively and how to concentrate as well? Im just finding it so hard.

I've been sat in my room for the past 2 and a half hours and have only read one page of a Science text book. I can't concentrate at all. HELP!

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It takes a few weeks to revise for GCSEs and come out with decent grades
Original post by melonhead97
My exams start on May 13th and I haven't started any 'proper' revision yet. I just cant focus or concentrate for long enough. Any tips on how to revise effectively and how to concentrate as well? Im just finding it so hard.

I've been sat in my room for the past 2 and a half hours and have only read one page of a Science text book. I can't concentrate at all. HELP!

This was happening to me a couple of hours ago but it has been resolved. My first exam is on the 12th for Re. and on the 13th ive got biology unit 2. Just motivate yourself and reset your system. I did this by taking a shower, cleaning my room, browsing on the internet for a bit to release all my curiosity, then slowly taking out my revision work and using mygcsescience to help. You have to motivate yourself, I planned on revising 8 hours a day starting last week but I didnt and im starting now.
Reply 3
Original post by Pavzky
It takes a few weeks to revise for GCSEs and come out with decent grades

Is 4 weeks enough? How many hours a day should I be doing?
Original post by melonhead97
Is 4 weeks enough? How many hours a day should I be doing?

Easily. I did anywhere between 4-6ish hours max (for me anyway)
Reply 5
Original post by Pavzky
Easily. I did anywhere between 4-6ish hours max (for me anyway)

What grades did you get? I'm targeted B's and higher
Original post by melonhead97
What grades did you get? I'm targeted B's and higher

They weren't amazing given the school I went to (one of the lowest in my year I think actually) but I got As and Bs across 12 subjects
Reply 7
Original post by Pavzky
They weren't amazing given the school I went to (one of the lowest in my year I think actually) but I got As and Bs across 12 subjects

Ahh well done. What revision techniques did you use - is mind mapping useful?
Reply 8
Original post by Electricity
This was happening to me a couple of hours ago but it has been resolved. My first exam is on the 12th for Re. and on the 13th ive got biology unit 2. Just motivate yourself and reset your system. I did this by taking a shower, cleaning my room, browsing on the internet for a bit to release all my curiosity, then slowly taking out my revision work and using mygcsescience to help. You have to motivate yourself, I planned on revising 8 hours a day starting last week but I didnt and im starting now.

What revision techniques do you use?
Reply 9
Original post by melonhead97
My exams start on May 13th and I haven't started any 'proper' revision yet. I just cant focus or concentrate for long enough. Any tips on how to revise effectively and how to concentrate as well? Im just finding it so hard.

I've been sat in my room for the past 2 and a half hours and have only read one page of a Science text book. I can't concentrate at all. HELP!

Revise for 30 minutes then take a 15 minute break. Then revise for another 30 minutes and then take another 15 minute break. Keep repeating.

Also write down the main points of what you're revising in bullet point format.
Reply 10
I revised for my 3 science gcses in 3 weeks and got 2A*s and an A.

Gcse is nothing. For A-level you have to start early, though.
Original post by melonhead97
What revision techniques do you use?

Just make simple notes by using online videos, and make a simple list of which exams come first, just write down the subjects, and from there you can see what is coming first and what you still have time to revise on.
Reply 12
Original post by ubisoft
I revised for my 3 science gcses in 3 weeks and got 2A*s and an A.

Gcse is nothing. For A-level you have to start early, though.

Well done. How did you revise in those 3 weeks?
Reply 13
scare yourself by realise there is only 21 days until your first exam not a month(sorry but this is true I have my 1st exam on the same date) , take 5 min to calm down while switching of all electronics or spend 30 min making a TSR study planner while calming yourself down and start revising. Revising techniques could be:
Mind mapping
recording notes
preparing a lesson for somebody
flash cards
Should now be scared enough to work
Original post by melonhead97
What revision techniques do you use?

All I did was look through textbooks and existing notes and rewrite those notes from scratch. Then I just did past papers. That was it. There's no need to overcomplicate it
Reply 15
I didn't revise for my GCSE's still did alright A's B's C's and 2 D's if i would have revised for science i probably could have made those D's C's i couldnt find anything that worked for me revision wise. Doing Alevels now i make up songs and talk to myself :tongue:
Reply 16
Original post by Electricity
Just make simple notes by using online videos, and make a simple list of which exams come first, just write down the subjects, and from there you can see what is coming first and what you still have time to revise on.

Thanks, ive just wrote all my exams out and stuck it on my wall. Going to try and find some science videos now!
Reply 17
Original post by Pavzky
All I did was look through textbooks and existing notes and rewrite those notes from scratch. Then I just did past papers. That was it. There's no need to overcomplicate it

I think I've covered almost every past paper there is when we've been in class! I'm going to watch videos, read text books etc, and make notes, hopefully it will help!
Reply 18
Theres still time. Firstly, at school, take advantage. I know it sounds cliched but, really take advantage of the resources and help.
My revision 'slot' as home is from 19:00-22:30, sometimes even more.
Original post by melonhead97
My exams start on May 13th and I haven't started any 'proper' revision yet. I just cant focus or concentrate for long enough. Any tips on how to revise effectively and how to concentrate as well? Im just finding it so hard.

I've been sat in my room for the past 2 and a half hours and have only read one page of a Science text book. I can't concentrate at all. HELP!

Need some motivation:

Always Remember "Winners are to busy to be sad, to positive to be doubtful, to optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated."

I used to feel like you.I was just sitting in my bedroom the whole day just having read a page or two of a history text book due to my lack of concentration and certain disturbances and distractions but when i motivated myself to do better i did. The good thing is that you still have time so its a good idea to start from now. Dont think about what you have not done but think about what you are going to achieve and do bearing in mind that time is our enemy. I think you should look at this thread: For all those who think they have left revision to late. This thread was in the A level forum but
can still be handy as you have exams. It also provides info to effective revision etc.
Good luck in your exams and have faith in yourself that you can do it
(edited 10 years ago)