The Student Room Group
Reply 1
So sorry, because I know how painful toothache can be! :frown:

I've found the best way to help in the short term is to take BOTH paracetamol and ibuprofen. This is completely safe, and has been recommended by my dentist before, as the two painkillers have no common ingredients.

I've found the best way is to take paracetamol, wait 2 hours if possible, then take ibuprofen. Again wait 2 hours and repeat the paracetamol if needed.

Hope the pain reduces soon.
Reply 2
Whiskey on the gums.
Reply 3
Get some ice or something frozen, wrap it in a towel and hold against painful area of mouth too...
Reply 4
Seriously, Whiskey.
whats the best? im climbing the walls here

I'm sure your dentist will have a plentiful range. Who knows, mabye he'll let you choose :biggrin:
Seriously, Whiskey.

In ye olden times, they recommended Oil of Cloves for the pain and a little tincture(sp?) of brandy for sleep :biggrin:

EDIT : Behold the ever changing avatars' of Clarence :smile:
Reply 7
In ye olden times, they recommended Oil of Cloves for the pain and a little tincture(sp?) of brandy for sleep :biggrin:

EDIT : Behold the ever changing avatars' of Clarence :smile:

Yep, Clove Oil works well :smile:
Reply 8
Get yourself some full strength Cuprofen, it was the only thing that killed the pain while I was waiting to have my root canal. Make sure it's full strength though, don't let them palm you off with the crappy stuff.

Also, yes, whiskey.
Reply 9
Seriously, Whiskey.

i like the sound of.
it gives you an excuse to buy a bottle of jack daniels :biggrin:
Reply 10
Seriously crying with the pain here, iits infected i think, have dental app tomo, does anyone know if they refuse to take it out if its infected?????:frown: :frown: :frown:
Reply 11
Oi toothachey, you whiskey'd it yet?

I think im officially an alcoholic.
Reply 12
Going to buy a bottle of jd when i collect my friend from the bus, in the meantime have tried brandy and a cocktail of various drugs-2 paracetamol, a ponstan, 2 neurofen plus. oh and inserting a disprin into the cavity. will possibly be a junkie by the mornin

Nothing has killed the pain yet and i dread to think what it would be like without all the painkillers

if rubbing whiskey on doesnt work, ill just have a few shots. or ill be a raving lunatic by the time i see the dentist- the pain is jolting up to my ear and temples and down into my neck:frown:

thanks for advice guys keep it comin
Reply 13
I really recommend the clove oil, it numbs the tooth and is an antiseptic :smile:
Reply 14
I suffered from this type of toothache before, turned out i needed a root canal. Yum.
Reply 15
i like the sound of.
it gives you an excuse to buy a bottle of jack daniels :biggrin:

Mmm Jack Daniels :love:

I like you Sheen :biggrin:

To the OP though, I was always told to lie on a hot water bottle, but I've never really had toothache as such so I'm not works for ear infections though so it might be a thought.

When my wisdom teeth were coming through Clover Oil was the best thing, or how about bonjela?

Best thing is though to see a dentist (obviously) it's just deciding what can help you get through the night!

EDIT: Aren't you the one with the really nice teeth who posted a thread not so long ago asking how nice your teeth were? /randomness
Anaesthetics would help.
Reply 17

EDIT: Aren't you the one with the really nice teeth who posted a thread not so long ago asking how nice your teeth were? /randomness

Yes, that was me, im having work done...meant to be having a root canal but i cant take the pain. So im goin to get it whipped out in 3 and a half hrs. ive lost the marbles here with no sleep

thanks everyone tho