The Student Room Group

what could i have done???

ok, here's the thing....

Recently, one of my friends has stopped talking to me for no apparent reason. We got on really well before, but since he came back off holiday, he barely says two words to me online, and even then its only if i talk to him first i'll occasionally get a reply, and he ignores my texts if i send any.

To be honest, i could live with this if he gave me a reason why, but he wont. To my knowledge i havent done anything to upset him, i'd be upset if i did.

So why is he suddenly being like this??

any ideas would be greatly appreciated :smile: xxxxxxxxxxx
Reply 1
How would we know? Just talk to him face to face.
Reply 2
why dont you ask him & if he ignors like you said just show up on his front door and say "whats the hell wrong with you!!" lol well maybe cut the shouting but just ask him somewere were he wont have an excuse to leave, maybe were its just the two off you, OR it could be that he is very bussy lol
Reply 3
Have tried, he wont meet up, and i dont wanna be stalker-like lol!

I just didn't think he'd be like this, with no reasoning...i'm worried bout him...

but i cant keep running after him forever...i really care about him though... :frown:
Reply 4
Show up at his front door. Ring him. Be blunt and say - if you don't wanna be friends anymore I'll leave you alone but first I need a reason why.
Reply 5
That's all you can do then unfortunatly, we are not mind readers so we couldn't tell you what he is thinking.
I know I sound blunt but to be honest with you without him telling you what's wrong there is nothing you can do.
That aside, I hope you can work it out. Good luck.
Reply 6
Show up at his front door. Ring him. Be blunt and say - if you don't wanna be friends anymore I'll leave you alone but first I need a reason why.

That's the exact phrase i used, but nothing.... :frown:

Thanks mc hamster, i know it was a strange question to ask but i didnt really know what else to try....have tried pretty much everything. Some of my friends say he was just an attention seeker, and part of me is actually starting to think that way too now, and i feel so awful for saying that...but there were other things too now i look back....i'm just confused i guess....and slightly hurt but hey....i cant help everything can i?
congrats, you've won the vaguest thread of the day award

you'll get your prize at somepoint in the future
Reply 8
I'm sure it'll work out for you, it might be he's dealing with something he doesn't want to tell anyone yet. Maybe leave him for a few days/ weeks and he might respond then.
Reply 9
congrats, you've won the vaguest thread of the day award

you'll get your prize at somepoint in the future

lmaooo, frustrating isnt it?? but thats as much as i know!! :confused: :rolleyes:

I'm sure it'll work out for you, it might be he's dealing with something he doesn't want to tell anyone yet. Maybe leave him for a few days/ weeks and he might respond then.

Yes, perhaps you're right...maybe i'm just worried about nothing after all...but i cant shake the feeling its really bad if he wont tell me....he's told me lots of things before, why is it different now?

but, as you said, there's nothing more i can do if he won't tell i guess i'll just have to go with it...

thanks for the advice guys :smile:
Reply 10
Oh actually, tried talking to his family about this? Maybe they'd know reasons behind this? Like, stupid logic that - you're better off without him, or family issues, or he likes you...

Good luck :hugs:
Reply 11
If this person is going to play games then it is their loss. Make new friends who care.
are you a girl ???

give him a taste of his own medicine do the same back, you 2 are probably around each other to much and being on holiday made him realise dis.
Reply 13
congrats, you've won the vaguest thread of the day award

you'll get your prize at somepoint in the future

congrats, you've won the vaguest prize of the day award.

You'll get your thingy at somepoint in the doodle-what.
Reply 14
communicate to him or you'll spend the rest of your life second guessing his motives/intentions.
You say you really care about him but you could live with him never talking to you again? To me, that makes no sense.