The Student Room Group

Been taken advantage of ?

I got very drunk a few nights ago. A friend of mine was all to glad to look after me, and my other friend who was also drunk but not to the extent I was. Anyhow this friend who was with me insisted on hugging and kissing me at every opportunity even when I asked him to stop. I don’t know if this was him being sweet and his way of ‘looking after me’ or if he was in fact taking advantage of me. I don’t want this to ruin our friendship so I don’t know how to broach the subject or if I even should talk to him about it. :confused:
Reply 1
seems like he was taking advantage.... but... no harm done really.

just be honest and whatnot. easiest way. say "dont know what u were playing at tuther night, but i am not interested so dont be like that again k?"

or something to that effect
yeah does seem he was trying to take advantage of you
dont bring it up unless it happens again would eb my could be a one off
Reply 4
if he only hugged and kissed you i would not worry about it. Just say he's a great friend but thats all you see him as
I don't think there's anything to worry about if he was just hugging and kissing you. To be frank, if you want do avoid people getting away with that using the excuse of looking after you, I wouldn't get so drunk.
Reply 6
I got very drunk a few nights ago. A friend of mine was all to glad to look after me, and my other friend who was also drunk but not to the extent I was. Anyhow this friend who was with me insisted on hugging and kissing me at every opportunity even when I asked him to stop. I don’t know if this was him being sweet and his way of ‘looking after me’ or if he was in fact taking advantage of me. I don’t want this to ruin our friendship so I don’t know how to broach the subject or if I even should talk to him about it. :confused:

Advantage taking. blatently.
Reply 7
kisssing you where?
Reply 8
Was he drunk too? Just sometimes when people are drunk they become overly affectionate, I know when I've had a few I hug everyone :redface: Maybe he was just doing that in a friendly sort of way?
Reply 9
No he was completely sober.
And he was kissing me generally on the cheek, he tried kissing me on the mouth a few times but I told him to stop.
Reply 10
then yes i think he was tryin to take advantage, if he was kissing on just cheek and head he would have been comforting. maybe because you let him kiss you on the cheek he thaught you wanted to kiss him
Reply 11
Yeh, I'm gonna look after you so I'm gonna force you to kiss me. Oh that's so sweet!

Yes, of course he was taking advantage of you! I'd be careful of him cus next time he could force you into something worse.
My gf uses me for my hot bod. Its pretty hurtful sometimes
Reply 13
No he was completely sober.
And he was kissing me generally on the cheek, he tried kissing me on the mouth a few times but I told him to stop.

Sounds like he was taking advantage, he might not have been doing so intentionally.

But if you told him to stop, like you said in the first post, then he should have respected your wishes. Nowt you can do about it now, but maybe when you see him next, tell him you remember he was trying to 'take advantage' of you, even when you asked him to stop, and just the words ''take advantage' may make him realise he went too far and he'll never do it again. He might not have realised you were so uncomfortable, and if you make him see that you were, he'll understand never to do such a thing again.
Reply 14
I got very drunk a few nights ago. A friend of mine was all to glad to look after me, and my other friend who was also drunk but not to the extent I was. Anyhow this friend who was with me insisted on hugging and kissing me at every opportunity even when I asked him to stop. I don’t know if this was him being sweet and his way of ‘looking after me’ or if he was in fact taking advantage of me. I don’t want this to ruin our friendship so I don’t know how to broach the subject or if I even should talk to him about it. :confused:

He was taking advantage it would seem in the hope your state might make you more suggestible.
In future be more carefull and just ask him not to be so touchy feely in future because it makes you feel uncomfortable if hes a true mate he will respect it
Alternatively, knee the randy ****er in the balls. Should do the trick
seems like he was taking advantage.... but... no harm done really

Reply 17
definitly taking advantage of you.
Reply 18
No worries but if u feel uncomfy with that tel him,and be honest so that wont happen again....;D