The Student Room Group

Look like a fool

I put a username on msn 2 months ago as a friend had angered me. It was just a joke to let off steam. The username was "There are people I know who won't hurt me. I call them corpses". This quote I know was rather distasteful and I know I shouldn't have displayed it. My friend saw it and felt rather hurt as she felt it was aimed at her, I avoided the subject.

My boyfriend saw it yesterday and thought I had made up the quote and aimed at him and everyone. I tried to explain and he said he was very hurt. He said I should apologise to everyone as they may be offended. I did but it seems to have opened a can of worms and I wish I didn't listen to him as people are like 'what username was this?' as they hadn't been online for ages and some people were like it never bothered them.

I feel like an idiot now as I have emailed an apology to everyone even though it was never aimed at everyone. The quote was by a well known author so maybe I should in future put that on. Was I unreasonable? Did my friend or boyfriend overreact?

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Reply 1
Your boyfriend overreacted and so did everyone else, people are so stupid sometimes.
Reply 2
the username spoke the truth tho...

unless someone was close to someone recently deseaced they shouldnt have taken it so badly

its not like you're about to go and murder someone eh?
Reply 4
Woah, some of the people you know are really pathetic. It wasn't bad in the first place, and given that it's a QUOTE....geez.
They're overreacting. End of.
Reply 6
Seriously, your boyfriend is a pussy.
Reply 7
its a case of serious overreacting!!
ffs it was a quote if everyone got angry by peoples quotes no one would bother going on msn!
Reply 9
its a case of serious overreacting!!

i completely agree
Reply 10
haha yes ive got in trouble over msn names before now. i find it best to add the simple :p: to the end, the you can say i was only messing :smile:
I put a username on msn 2 months ago as a friend had angered me. It was just a joke to let off steam. The username was "There are people I know who won't hurt me. I call them corpses". This quote I know was rather distasteful and I know I shouldn't have displayed it. My friend saw it and felt rather hurt as she felt it was aimed at her, I avoided the subject.

My boyfriend saw it yesterday and thought I had made up the quote and aimed at him and everyone. I tried to explain and he said he was very hurt. He said I should apologise to everyone as they may be offended. I did but it seems to have opened a can of worms and I wish I didn't listen to him as people are like 'what username was this?' as they hadn't been online for ages and some people were like it never bothered them.

I feel like an idiot now as I have emailed an apology to everyone even though it was never aimed at everyone. The quote was by a well known author so maybe I should in future put that on. Was I unreasonable? Did my friend or boyfriend overreact?

Don't be so emo/depresso then! My MSN says 'I'd Love To Make Some Trouble With You'

How can anyone take that the wrong way? :smile:
Wow, all your friends and your boyfriend sound like spineless pussies.
Your boyfriend overreacted and so did everyone else, people are so stupid sometimes.

:ditto: it was a simple screen name, if thier going to be that sensetive tell em all to get a life and grow up but dont feel foolish about it
Reply 14
echoing the feelings of others, you need to get some friends who aint so sensitive. and if i were you i wud tell your boyfriend to like it or lump it, he probably only jumped you because you were apologetic.
don't worry. when people, display stuff like 'Pheonix Dioxide what a ****' then they got a right to be offended

*sombody on tsr accually displays this :p:
Reply 16
thats a cool quote, anyway, yea all over reacting. if you said that it wasnt aimed at any of them, that should have been enough, i cant see why they would have made such an issue out of a screen name
They're overreacting, I don't even see how someone could consider that offensive!
Reply 18
I can see how people get annoyed at your choice of username, I have a mate on MSN who changes the litle bit after their name every so often to have a dig at the person they're fallen out with this time - I find it a bit pathetic, as I'd rather they just have it out with the person they've fallen out with, than to have everyone see their name.

That said, I don't really understand why your boyfriend or mates have gone into such a hissy fit! Bit of an over reaction I think! Like I say, I get a bit annoyed at my friends MSN names *sometimes* but I never get upset and I'd never have a go at them. It's up to them what they call themselves, and they've never apologised for it, so you emailing everyone to explain is a very sweet thought, even if it isn't needed - you shouldn't have to apologise for who you are and what you think. If someone is going to dislike you for something as simple as an MSN name, they're not worth the bother! It's not a big deal! I hope you make up with your friend/boyfriend soon though, it sucks falling out with people over something so little.

Plus I just realised your quote wasn't actually that insulting, if insulting at all? Maybe your mate just used it as an excuse to have a go at you? Also, it's ONE quote, you don't change it enough to insult anyone!

So in answer to your questions, no you weren't unreasonable and yes your boyfriend overreacted. It's not your fault :smile:
Reply 19
What's wrong with having your own name as your msn name?