The Student Room Group

Help!!! 1st Time Sex

hi, im 17 and so is ma gf, and we both virgins. the porblem is that im a lil scared that i might hurt her casue i herd about this thing wher the 1st time a woman has sex, something breaks and blood comes out and i dnt wann hurt her. couls someone please tell me what happens so im prepared and is there things i can do to help the pain be less

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yeah its the hymen and its gonna be broken sooner or later so you might as well do it

maybe let her go on top and have a lot of foreplay first to get her going.
Reply 2
yes its gona hurt but dont worry cause she will be just as nervious and scared as you, i dont really know about the pain being less or anything but it will be fine, just relax
Reply 3
Are you sure you should be having sex when you know so little about your bodies?
I'd like to state that her hymen might already be broken. So if there's no blood/pain, then don't think you're doing it wrong or anything.
Has she ever ridden a bicycle fast down a cobbled street?
the fact that at 17 neither of you know what a hymen is (never mind your grammer) is not a good sign.

take it slow and make sure you have plenty of foreplay to get her very wet, do not use certain lubricants with condoms as they will rot them, you shouldn't need lube with a condom anyway. The hymen isnt very far in so as was said have her on top so she can direct it.
hi, im 17 and so is ma gf, and we both virgins. the porblem is that im a lil scared that i might hurt her casue i herd about this thing wher the 1st time a woman has sex, something breaks and blood comes out and i dnt wann hurt her. couls someone please tell me what happens so im prepared and is there things i can do to help the pain be less

Ever tried using Google? Tsk, sex education these days is nothing like it used to be. :rolleyes:
Reply 8
okay i dont think anyones really answering what you question is, if u think you ready for sex then have it because what you are feeling is probably how eveyones else did when they had it for the first time, i think you might be better off looking on google or something lol
maybe just be gentle or something so pain is not really bad or something, sorry for not answering properly but i've never had sex lol
the fact that at 17 neither of you know what a hymen is (never mind your grammer) is not a good sign.

I'm 21 and I didn't know what a hymen was.
Has she ever ridden a bicycle fast down a cobbled street?

If you wern't annon you'd be sooo getting positive rep for that, love it!! :smile:
Reply 11
I'm 21 and I didn't know what a hymen was.

hahaha my gosh .you should google :P just like wat every one says ;P
My girlfriends hymen didn't break until the second time we had sex. Jesus it caused such a mess. Get some towels ready beside the bed and make sure you have a clean sheet on the bed that will need to go into the washing machine. To be honest after a quick clean up and a shower we both got back into it in five mintutes.

P.S I was out the room half way through typing this, I come back in and my mum had read it...

P.S I was out the room half way through typing this, I come back in and my mum had read it...

Gutted! Your mums nosey!!
Aww don't go crazy over the poor guy not knowing what a hymen is! Im almost 18..and a girl, and I only realised what it was several months ago thanks to a trusty website. All these years I thought that area was called a flymo but apparently thats just a type of lawnmower.
flymo but apparently thats just a type of lawnmower

:rofl: I don't usually "ROFL" at what people say, but that's classic! :biggrin:

I don't understand why so many people say they had blood gushing everywhere when they first did it - never happened to me. And I don't recall any blood gushing at any other point in time either :confused:
Reply 16
My girlfriends hymen didn't break until the second time we had sex. Jesus it caused such a mess. Get some towels ready beside the bed and make sure you have a clean sheet on the bed that will need to go into the washing machine. To be honest after a quick clean up and a shower we both got back into it in five mintutes.

P.S I was out the room half way through typing this, I come back in and my mum had read it...

OR put the towels down on the bed so you don't have to worry about staining the sheets.

It's quite likely though, that her hymen will be broken - a lot of girls' are. Whether it is or not, just make sure you have lots of foreplay and that she's ready for it.
:rofl: I don't usually "ROFL" at what people say, but that's classic! :biggrin:

I don't understand why so many people say they had blood gushing everywhere when they first did it - never happened to me. And I don't recall any blood gushing at any other point in time either :confused:

Thankyou. I am honoured to have caused you to "Roffle" ROFL sorry..what does that actually mean? But whatever it is..thankyou :smile:
Secondly I agree with the blood gushing thing. It never happened to me either! I remember seeing a spec of crimson but nothing that resembles a "gush". You're not alone my friend!
Reply 18
hi, im 17 and so is ma gf, and we both virgins. the porblem is that im a lil scared that i might hurt her casue i herd about this thing wher the 1st time a woman has sex, something breaks and blood comes out and i dnt wann hurt her. couls someone please tell me what happens so im prepared and is there things i can do to help the pain be less

stay virgins???

just go slow n steady n listen to what she tells you!!
Yes it's gonna hurt her, but it has to be done I'm afraid, unless she wants to die a virgin...

Just be very gentle and responsive, if she wants you to stop, leave it for a minute and then try again. Using lots of lube is good. Try different positions - one might be more comfortable for her.