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a bit of advice?

atm i quite like someone, and we've gradually become really good friends.

but what signs does a guy give you to hint out that he likes you?
that question is mainly for guys but yeah, i mean i've come across many little things he's done that's made me question it, eg when he sees me he'll always come and talk to me, or at least sit with me. he's opened up to me quite a bit but tbh he's not realised it. just stuff like that, but i'm not sure whether he just looks at me as a really good friend or more.

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Reply 1
Uh oh.. you're stuck at the 'just friends' stage :frown:
Cos your at that 'friends' stage, it's hard to differ between what he's doing as a friend and what he's doing if he likes you. My advice would be to watch out for anything that becomes unusual about him.. e.g. if he reacts to you in a different way. That's a sign that his feelings for you are changing, hopefully in a better way. But going from friends to a relationship is very difficult
Reply 3
i know what you mean.
to me it looks like we've gone from friends to more than friends.
the other day it was his birthday, and i sent him a text quite early in the morning, haha at like 12, and then he called me, which was a bit odd but yeah, i dunno if that meant something.
we didn't talk for long.

he's said a lot of things like he trusts me and he likes talking to me/being around me..

i mean to be honest i wouldn't mind if we stayed like the way we are, coz we have something really nice, before it always felt like the friendship was pretty one way, but now its evidently 2 way.

argh! i hate feelings.
Reply 4
Did he call you straight after you sent the text??? He must have felt pretty happy if you were the 1st text on his phone that morning. I think you should give out a few hints, maybe even suggest the matter in a joky way and see how he reacts....
Reply 5
yeah, it was pretty much as soon as he got it.

i hardly see him, only when we're in 6thform. he's supposedly leaving which has *ergh*ed me off, but yeah he did say that hes got my number, we'll meet up, hang out etc.. he even said i could come over to his if i wanted.

i have tried hinting it, but just very discreetly, eg i've driven it out of him that he likes being around me and stuff..
Reply 6
Lol. That blaintly proves it, he likes you like crazy. Probably a lot more than friends. But if I was you, I would wait (if it ever happens) till he leaves your 6th form. It would make things a lot easier. Good luck :smile:
Reply 7
haha, i wouldn't go to the extreme that he likes me like crazy, that is the first time he's actually called me.
thanks btw.
Reply 8
Ahhh you failed to mention that lol.
How long have you exactly known this guy? Cos the longer your friends with him, the harder it will be to move on to a 'further level'. Talking from experience here, fancied a girl after she joined the 6th form. But after we became good friends, it would just feel too wierd to go out with her or something. But hey, every individual is different....
Reply 9
i've known him since we started 6th form, but we didn't actually become good enough friends till pretty recently, eg just before the exams was when we spoke to each other about anything pretty comfortably.
mind you i only got his number a few months before the AS exams..
Reply 10
Enjoy being friends with the guy and throw in little hints you like him and see if you get anything back.

Reply 11
That means your not exactly the best of friends, which is a good thing. During the relationship you can build on that even more, but now is def the best time to start going for it... unless you wanna play hard to get lol.
Reply 12
That means your not exactly the best of friends, which is a good thing. During the relationship you can build on that even more, but now is def the best time to start going for it... unless you wanna play hard to get lol.

:biggrin: hehe. i said to a guy once that someone told me if i wanted him back i should play hard to get... but the guy just say he would get fed up.. but there is nothing wrong with playing hard to get occasionally! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 13
haha, i know what you mean.
thanks. i've been pretty successful in pushing the friendship along, so lets see what happens.
i just wish we saw more of each other, because before when we didn't see each other often we kinda drifted, the opposites happening now, the less we see of each other, its as if the time we spend togethers a lot more valuable.
Reply 14
oh and playing hard to get can be fun, but i avoid doing it with him.. i do it with other people lol.
Reply 15
:biggrin: yeh if you really like someone i dont see much point.. but a bit of playing hard to get "flirting" could be fun :biggrin: hehe
hope all goes well with this guy any way!

Reply 16
thank you, i hope it does too.
why don't you get to know him more over a drink or something then maybe you can decide.
Reply 18
haha, we both don't drink.
which is surprising because he does other stuff, just not drink.
but yeah that is an option.
maybe have a coke or a coffee instead?