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I've has excema on my hands all my life. I go through stages where you can't tell I have it at all to having it really bad. I thought I was growing out of it when suddenly this year it hit back with avengance! I went to the Dr's about it a couple of months ago & he was shocked at how bad it is- asked if I was obsessive compulsive washing my hands (I'm not....). He gave me some cream and told me to use it for 2 weeks before returning back again if there was no improvement. However after the 2 weeks it started to clear up so I didn't go back. However it is back even worse again now. I have small bubbles in my skin & it kills to wash my hair/use soap. This has all happened over the space of a few days. I just wondered what the nesxt step would be because obviously the steroid cream isn't working....

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Reply 1
one of my friends had acupuncture for excema i think it worker well.

i have eczema on my hands too! sounds pretty similar to mine, except it's not that bad anymore and i have only had it since i was about 9. i use ichthopaste bandages at night with cotton gloves over them, it keeps it moisturized and helps it too heal overnight and i think it's pretty good, although it doesnt completely get rid of it. you could maybe ask ur doc about them. and try bathing your hands in sea-salt water, buy some mineral bath salts, dissolve in warm water, thenbathe your hands in it then moisturize with some cream after. worth a try, seems to help
Reply 3
ive got excema, i get it behind my knees and on my arms and face. however, the simple hydrocortisone always works 4me! i would sugest you just keep goin bk to the docs... they know best!
Reply 4
Oooo i feel sorry for you. I thought i'd grown out of my excema and then i had a huge flair up on my face, whivh depressed me for ages.

In those 2 weeks has anything major changed? new shampoo, new soap, different food? Also sometimes steroid creams are only a short term help.
Every time you wash yor hands your stripping them of mosture, so mosturise all the time. I was given hydrocortisone cream buy my doc (i didnt use it though, i didnt want to but in on my face) and cetraben emollant cream which is brilliant. Its like E45 but lighter and absorbs quicker, its especially good as it doesnt contain lanolin which 10% of people are allergic to (including me).
How about using rubber gloves when washing your hair? I've got some really tight ones, like doctors ones that i got from the hospital (not for me).
Erm dont pick!
Hope it goes soon.
Aww I'm so sorry to hear about that.I know it's so painful to have eczema.I used to suffer quite's better now but I had a huge flare up a few months back on my hands and it was awful.

I have Diprobase which I use pretty much daily to keep it away...the other month the doctor gave me a cream called Fucibet and it had cleared up in about 5 days and hasn't returned since...

In the mean time try and stay away from chemicals,washing up etc.

In the mean time try and stay away from chemicals,washing up etc.

mwahaha hand eczema really is a great excuse to avoid washing up, works every time:smile:
Reply 7
I have used diprobase and fucibet recently, but it just isn't working anymore. :frown:

Thanks for all the advice- I haven't used anything different but I've been under an unusual amount of stress- could that be linked?
Dramatic Star
I've has excema on my hands all my life. I go through stages where you can't tell I have it at all to having it really bad. I thought I was growing out of it when suddenly this year it hit back with avengance! I went to the Dr's about it a couple of months ago & he was shocked at how bad it is- asked if I was obsessive compulsive washing my hands (I'm not....). He gave me some cream and told me to use it for 2 weeks before returning back again if there was no improvement. However after the 2 weeks it started to clear up so I didn't go back. However it is back even worse again now. I have small bubbles in my skin & it kills to wash my hair/use soap. This has all happened over the space of a few days. I just wondered what the nesxt step would be because obviously the steroid cream isn't working....

You will need to go and see a dermatologist about this problem especially if it is on your hands as they can give you more potent steriod creams etc :smile: you should always moisturise with doublebase at least 4/5 times a day resulting in how dry your ezcema is but get referred to a dermatologist seriously it will help as I myself have had ezcema and psoriasis for a number of yeaes and only ever went into remission when I visited a dermatologist - if you want to talk just give me a wee PM or something ok :smile: hope this helps :smile:
Dramatic Star
I have used diprobase and fucibet recently, but it just isn't working anymore. :frown:

Thanks for all the advice- I haven't used anything different but I've been under an unusual amount of stress- could that be linked?

Stress is a major factor which can cause flare ups in ezcema, can I ask you a question though? has your diet pattern changed in anyway? this can affect it also
Don't you soap and anything like that. Take a bath everyday, and never wear the same clothes twice without it being washed. Avoid washing up and so on..

Apply cream straight after your bath and once in the morning after you wake up. Make sure your skin is dry before applying cream after your bath.

It works a treat.
ive got excema, i get it behind my knees and on my arms and face. however, the simple hydrocortisone always works 4me! i would sugest you just keep goin bk to the docs... they know best!

thats what im prescribed but over use can scar. i was also told to use
aqueous cream as soap, its really good, cheap and makes ur skin really soft
my experiences:

I had bad excema on my hands when I was much younger, iirc it dissappeared when I was about 7 or 8 years old. When I was 15 it came back, moving around my hands and varying in intensity. I used the various steroid creams, which worked to some extent. Then I tried a chinese herbalist who provided a fine-smelling cream to use, which cleared it up better than any of the prescription creams. It still would come back upon cessation of treatment, though. Then some time last autumn it didn't come back, with no memorable changes in diet, contact with cleaning products, etc.

Consider chinese medicine.
Reply 13
I use Eumavate but this isn't good long term. Chinese herbs work wonders but you eventually become immune to them. They might work ok for you if you just 'blast' your body with them once in a while though. Other tips:

Avoid alcohol, smoking, spicy foods, chocolate and eat fresh fruit and drink lots of water (basically detox, because it's all about what is going on inside your body.)
Avoid dust / dust mites : Don't wear clothes / use towels or pillows that have been on the floor.
If anyone wants to chat / advice, PM me. I have plenty of experience (non-professional!) in this matter.
Don't you soap and anything like that. Take a bath everyday, and never wear the same clothes twice without it being washed. Avoid washing up and so on..

Apply cream straight after your bath and once in the morning after you wake up. Make sure your skin is dry before applying cream after your bath.

It works a treat.

Also can I add you should use emollient in your bath instead of any bubble bath etc...
Xx Tomásíona - Mháire xX
Also can I add you should use emollient in your bath instead of any bubble bath etc...

this is aqueous cream

avod purfumed stuff, even dove *sob* u can also get block deoderants from LUSH
this is aqueous cream

avod purfumed stuff, even dove *sob* u can also get block deoderants from LUSH

:confused: you cant put aqueous cream in the bath water?? :confused: I meant an emoillient additive for your bath water it turns the water a sort of off-white colour and you lie in it for about 10-20 minutes...also you can get a gel formulation as well for the shower....
this is aqueous cream

avod purfumed stuff, even dove *sob* u can also get block deoderants from LUSH

Vaseline intensive care range is good with added proderma.....get the stick rather than the can of it :smile:
Xx Tomásíona - Mháire xX
:confused: you cant put aqueous cream in the bath water?? :confused: I meant an emoillient additive for your bath water it turns the water a sort of off-white colour and you lie in it for about 10-20 minutes...also you can get a gel formulation as well for the shower....

ah sorry reread! but u can use it as body cream stuff for the bath i do, lol
ah sorry reread! but u can use it as body cream stuff for the bath i do, lol

ya see I don't use aqueous cream just does nowt for me lol!!!! I just try to hold back on using any steroids etc and work it around my mentality and my diet to keep it alright.....but when exams and results come around the corner......say hello to the person who look like they're blushing 24/7 lol!!!!

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