The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm guessing it's actually a 4 hour flight, but due to the 2 hour time difference, the time will change by 6 hours on the way there, and 2 hourrs on the way back.
Reply 2
it probably relates to the time difference :smile: i.e. if you start somewhere at 2pm, and your flight lasts 3 hours but the country you are flying to has a time difference of +one hour, then when you arrive it will be 6pm local time. when you fly back at say 6pm, the flight still lasts 3 hours but you remove the time difference, so it will only be 8pm local time thus making the flight time appear shorter! also to take into consideration, is that the wind can change things i think! like in certain places pilots can fly in certain parts of the sky (so technical!) that make the plane go faster! probably a combination of the two :smile:
Reply 3
It's downhill on the way back. Easy.
It's downhill on the way back. Easy.


It could also be a stop-over flight on the way to...and on the way back..could be a direct flight...
Time difference but also flying in certain directions is faster due to tradewinds and other weather patterns. Sometimes flights have to avoid areas of heavy turbulence going one way so it takes longer.
Reply 6
leave england 1200 local time, arrive turkey 1800 local time (turkeys 2 hours ahead i think, correct me if im wrong)

leave turkey 12 local time arrive england 1400 local time

if this is what it looks like then technically its 4 hours each way. Most places dont seem to mention the fact that flight times are more often than not local times
Reply 7
Well generally you can't just fly in a straight line from one country to another. There's a fantastic amount of planes in the air at one time so they have to plan flight routes very carefully to keep them all at a safe distance from one another. For every flight from 1 city to another, you need one specific route. Then another different one for the way back. Now try linking every major city in the world to every other major city - that's loads! I assume you have accounted for time difference :p:

Weather does also effect things quite a lot :smile:

I would be surprised if there was in fact a full 4 hour difference though...
Reply 8
Inbound and outbound flights always differ slightly but usually by less than 30 mins.
Reply 9
As everyone else has said, its the time difference. If I recall correctly, the flight from Perth to Sydney is supposed to take 4 hours, but because of the time difference its actually 8 hours.

Plus the airline in question may use a different flight path going over as opposed to coming back.
Reply 10
you take a detour through the magical land of narnia on the way there, causing the extra time..
Reply 11
you take a detour through the magical land of narnia on the way there, causing the extra time..

Reply 12
you take a detour through the magical land of narnia on the way there, causing the extra time..

you were on that flight as well?!?!
Reply 13
sure did.
