The Student Room Group

Nipple Piercings


(mods delete this post if you don't think it is inappropriate sorry)

Just looking for advice really, I want to get my nipple pierced but ok I'm worried about the pain and just wondering how they do it and stuff! anyone with experience I would love your stories, good or bad because if I'm going to be put off it might as well be now instead of when it's done!

I don't know whether to get a bar or ring...

Where to get it done...

How much it costs...

I'm at a loss really and I don't want to go and get it done in ignorance I believe that would be silly

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Reply 1
If you're a girl (or rather large chested boy), and are over a D cup, you must have a bar. Under that, you can decide.

Mine cost about £25, and the actual procedure didn't hurt much. Afterwards, it ached lots and lots.

You go in, take your top off and usually remove one side of your bra so you're not completely naked (assuming you wear a bra). Then they spray stuff on it, clamp it, get a needle, stab you and then put the bar/ring through. Then they'll go through aftercare instructions, possibly give tissue if you're bleeding, and tell you to go away.

Check out BME. You can find my experience on there :smile:
Reply 2
When I got mine done I was told that a ring would heal faster but I still went with a bar for the look of it.

I got it done in Poole for £25, so quite far away from you but just make sure its all clean and good where ever you go.

I found that it hurt like crazy for about 7 months after but since then its been fine although there is pain if I catch it on anything.

Good luck with it your decision


Reply 3
Going by the first reply would I be better with a bar then? Because I fluctuate between a D cup and DD cup (you know that time of month etc etc) and actually from having a look at pictures I prefer the bar I think...

I know I can put up with initial pain but 7 months of it I am a little concerned about lol x

Thanks for your replies so far though
Reply 4
At that size, it is up to you. But rings sorta hang down a bit, and thus if you're too big (and thus not flat) the bottom can get squished which puts pressure on the top (which is the piercing). Obviously, you can then have problems.
Reply 5
Ah I see your thinking there!
Reply 6
Good. Because I thought that it made no sense.
Reply 7
Check out BME. You can find my experience on there :smile:

BME makes me want to cry. Well, the extreme bodymods section does anyway.
Reply 8
yay, summit to pull on for the lads during sex!
Reply 9
BME makes me want to cry. Well, the extreme bodymods section does anyway.

the extreme stuff makes me cringe
Reply 10
the extreme stuff makes me cringe

is it wrong to think it's incredibly nice? :redface: :redface:
Reply 11
Barbells are generally better. Rings can put more pressure on it and drag bacteria and crusties into the hole.

It's gonna hurt; a needle being put through your skin generally does. The pain will probably be extremely quick though, and you'll have forgotten about it completely an hour or two later. At least, that's what I've been like with all my piercings.
Reply 12
I chose to have my nipple pierced completely out of the blue, i'd only ever had my lobs done before. I went to metal morphosis in Selfridges Birmingham and paid a horrendous amount £50 including aftercare, but it made me feel so much more confident. They make it clear there is a risk of infection but thats mainly down to how much you bother to clean it. I can honestly say it didnt hurt at all being pierced! very strange! they give you the option of having it frozen with aenesthetic (sp) but this isnt recommended as it makes your nipple solid for hours then it starts to kill when it defreezes. I went for no freezing and i really didnt need it anyway. I chose a bar because it just looked nicer and since then iv put a ring in because this is slightly less obvious through clothes (was hiding it from parents but they found out eventually) anyway and a ring does hurt more . A bar you dont even notice its there i promise! Go for it!
Reply 13
the extreme stuff makes me cringe

banksy av!
Reply 14
banksy av!

Reply 15
is it true you can't breastfeed with a nipple piercing?
I think it's quite sexy.
Reply 17
is it true you can't breastfeed with a nipple piercing?

i heard you cant but im not sure.
well youve still got the other boob, tho it might be abit weird breast feeding from one boob only
Reply 18
Wow I might have considered getting one but the 7 months of pain doesn't sound good.

Any guys had one?
im well over a d cup and i had it done with a ring! i dunno if it was just me but it just tested my head in all the time being pressed agaist my bra, it did heal but never really forgot bout it, in the end i took it out... still miss it tho