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QM's a quality college, don't listen to the hataz
Reply 2
An average kind of place academically.
it's certainly better than royal holloway, for example
Reply 4
Queen Mary is certainly not "average", it's just that the other UoL places like UCL, LSE, Kings (and for now Imperial) are better. But as unis go (and according to the league tables), it's above average overall.
Reply 5
The day that Royal Holloway is better than QM, I'll kill myself. Stuck up college that thinks its elite because of a solitary building. On a sidenote, everyone at RHUL would never choose QM as a place to study, but just like every single student at QMUL would never ever want to step foot in RHUL. Its like chalk and cheese.

Queen Mary, and especially for film is a great college. I can't belive people can say its average - very very ill informed.

Unfortunately its in London whereby it has the strongest competition in London; ICL, UCL, LSE, KCL. Your not going to find anywhere else in the country with that sort of competition.
I found it really hard to choose between QMUL and SOAS. Which is better in your opinion?
Reply 7
SOAS is the best place for the subjects it offers, IMO. It's a very unique and specific institution and even though QMUL is probably better known in general, the SOAS is very highly regarded, especially if you intend to follow a career path directly related to your degree.
I'm having some serious doubts (again!). Although I loved SOAS as an institution when I visited I don't know whether I can live without doing English. The English and Linguistics people at QMUL were so friendly. Aaargh!
QM is good, it's also in mile end which is good :smile:
Reply 10
Queen Marys in East London where you have to know urself!! Y'all hear!!?? If u ent street don't go there. Students are targets for muggings especially da posh ones.
Hi Peaches...

i'm in a similar position to you at the mo...

I got an offer from KCL, Royal H and QM and I put QM as my firm. After looking at these forums i'm beginning to regret my decision a little bit...

What are you hoping to study?

Reply 12
The day that Royal Holloway is better than QM, I'll kill myself. Stuck up college that thinks its elite because of a solitary building. On a sidenote, everyone at RHUL would never choose QM as a place to study, but just like every single student at QMUL would never ever want to step foot in RHUL. Its like chalk and cheese.

Better start planning your funeral then. We don't claim to be the same standard as UCL or Imperial, because we're not at that level and don't pretend we are. We are, however, better than run-of-the-mill places like QM and Goldsmiths. It's nothing to do with Founder's Building. We're 12 in the Times league table at the moment, whereas QM is 41 and Goldsmiths is 45. All our departments are rated 4,5 or 5* (or 6* in the case of Music), which is more than can be said for QM. RHUL entry standards are considerably higher than QM's. The list goes on.

Anyone would think I was slagging off QM! But I'm not - I'm not saying it's at all bad, because it isn't. It has some excellent departments, which are as good as RHUL's. But there is no justification for saying it's better overall or for the majority of departments.

Your last sentence is rubbish. Have you heard of intercollegiate units?
Reply 13
Kew, your about as pompous as one can quite possibly get. If you think reputation is based on league tables, then we can safely say that QM has kicked RH a*se many times. Every time internationally. I'm not going to pick out the elements like I did last time and show you how screwed up league tables are. The times which ranks you 12th also ranks QM humanities department above RH's even though subject wise it appears you are above us. Its screwed up.

The Guardian favours us for subjects over RH. THES favours QM over RH for reputation. Great Britains lecturers favour QM over RH academically.

I love your phrase - 'which are as good as ours' - get over yourself!
To call QM 'run of the mill' is insulting. Its in fact its laughable.

It just shows you know nothing at all about the university system and reputation in the real world, which is why I chose QM! I'm not some 18 year old kid who hasn't worked in the real world - I chose my decisions carefully and based on how QM is perceived in the real world - substantially better than RH may I add.

How can you say that our departments aren't rated 4 & 5 & 5*? They all are as well, I believe.

My last sentence isn't rubbish - there isn't a city in the world which has that many top universities. Unfortunately RH isn't in London, so doesn't count.

And last but not least - I love the way you didn't say Kings College at the start of your post. You actually think your better ;laugh;
Reply 14
I'm studying film, and turned down places from Sussex, Exeter, Manchester and Leicester, which seem to be regarded in a more positive way than Queen Mary.

I chose Queen Mary mainly because it's in London and has a good practical element to the course. However, from reading some of the stuff on this board it doesn't sound like it has the kind of atmosphere I was hoping for at university..

Thats the problem with this board - no one knows London, and has never visited QM. Most of them are Times readers which makes them conservative and favours Traditional. I could enlighten you to many more websites out there where QM is rated very highly.

I don't know how you can say Leicester, Manchester, Exeter and Sussex are regarded in a more positive way. What way? You mean the way that TSR describes? At the end of your course, you will be the first one to have a graduate position and earn the most money out of all those universities. So it can't be that bad can it :rolleyes:
Reply 15
^ They are wrong. First off I'm not a film student, but I know film studies which is part of the humanities sector is not shunned upon or 'average' which some people like to put it. Interesting link:

Another generalisation here: Most people who slate QM and its surrounding area do so because of the area, not because of the university. You will also notice that those people who do slate it don't even live in London, and live in some conservative suburban district. Those people who actually live in London, don't slate the area, because they know the area.
someone in another thread actually claimed QM was an ex-poly

and yeah i love all these clots posting about east london when they don't live here, they way they go on about it is like they're afraid of jack the ripper or something
Reply 17
Kew, your about as pompous as one can quite possibly get. If you think reputation is based on league tables, then we can safely say that QM has kicked RH a*se many times. Every time internationally. I'm not going to pick out the elements like I did last time and show you how screwed up league tables are. The times which ranks you 12th also ranks QM humanities department above RH's even though subject wise it appears you are above us. Its screwed up.

The Guardian favours us for subjects over RH. THES favours QM over RH for reputation. Great Britains lecturers favour QM over RH academically.

I love your phrase - 'which are as good as ours' - get over yourself!
To call QM 'run of the mill' is insulting. Its in fact its laughable.

It just shows you know nothing at all about the university system and reputation in the real world, which is why I chose QM! I'm not some 18 year old kid who hasn't worked in the real world - I chose my decisions carefully and based on how QM is perceived in the real world - substantially better than RH may I add.

How can you say that our departments aren't rated 4 & 5 & 5*? They all are as well, I believe.

My last sentence isn't rubbish - there isn't a city in the world which has that many top universities. Unfortunately RH isn't in London, so doesn't count.

And last but not least - I love the way you didn't say Kings College at the start of your post. You actually think your better ;laugh;

Clearly you know nothing about me or about RHUL's reputation.

1. No, I don't think RHUL is better than Kings.
2. Please don't stoop to personal insults, it doesn't say much about your argument if you have to resort to childish comments in order to get your point across.
3. I'm not 'some 18 year old kind who hasn't worked in the real world', so your point about that is invalid.
4. Guardian rankings can be taken with a pinch of salt, as they don't take academic research into account.
5. You think you can speak for all of Great Britain's lecturers? Laughable.
6. Yes, your last sentence was rubbish. You claimed that no students at QM would ever want to 'set foot' in RHUL. What about the QM students who deliberately *choose* to take intercollegiate units at RHUL, then? I don't know about sciences, but they're definitely on offer for humanities (eg. one of my friends in History did a unit at UCL, and in one of my units we had a guy from Goldsmiths). It's just a fact that some QM students choose to do at least one unit at RHUL.
7. RHUL is part of the University of London, therefore we count as being a London university.

I'll reply further when I have time.
heh yeah no one on this forum is an 18 year old workshy student, funny that
RHUL is nice if you're a member of a pony club.
QMUL is probably the better choice if you're not.