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hey, well i drink about 4 cups of tea a day and dont seem to have a problem with it! but if it's having a bad effect mayb you should try and cut down/try different types of tea etc? it contains caffeine doesnt it, so could be something to do with that?
Reply 2
Milk, you could be sensitive to dairy. I now drink my coffee black and I never get that...
Reply 3
I love my tea, but i am trying to cut down. Maybe go and see the docs or try and cut it out and then see what happens?
Also, apparently a lot of tea can stain your teeth!
Reply 5
Also, apparently a lot of tea can stain your teeth!

I'm cutting down then! I am addicted to tea! When I was at uni I used to drink about 6 cups a day! Especially when writing essays/doing work!

It's addictive!
Reply 6
Also, apparently a lot of tea can stain your teeth!

i thought it was red wine that did that :confused:
Reply 7
Red Wine, Coffee and erm...yeah.
Reply 8
Sometimes it gives me indigestion if I have it late at night, apart from that I'm fine. :smile:

Are you sure its down to tea? If you are, does it happen with coffe too? Cos if it does it could be lactose intolerance like Bubblebee said.
Reply 9
all this talk of tea makes me wanna go make some
Reply 10
Lactose intolerance is a strong possibility. Do you have milk in your tea? if you do then try it without (even if you dont really like it) and you'll find out.

Alternatively there are other chemicals within tea that can upset the stomach. I think tannic acid is one of them (perhaps a biochemist can correct me if i'm wrong!)

I became a tea addict too at uni! Myself and a housemate were often found sitting in the kitchen drinking the stuff at silly o'clock in the morning, as we both couldnt get to sleep, got talking on MSN, and would invariably end up needing tea and toast/chips!! Very healthy student lifestyle hehe.
Reply 11
Sheen, i almost didn't recognise you....where did your av go?
Reply 12
About ten minutes after every cup of tea I drink, I need a wee. Just thought I'd share that with the group.
absolute opposite! tea has saved me many an occasion when my stomach plays up! however, i have switched to decaf, as caffeine is/can be a major trigger for bad stomachs/nervous stomachs/ibs, bt tea has so little in it, it was really so that i cud enjoy coffee, !
Reply 14
Tea acts like alchohol and makes you go to the toilet loads.
Reply 15
Sheen, i almost didn't recognise you....where did your av go?

i thought id give it a break and put a banksy one up instead :biggrin:
Reply 16
Well I have milk on my cereal every morning and I'm fine with that, so I'm thinking it might be the caffeine. Hmm, I'll try a cup of coffee tomorrow and see what happens. Can you actually get de-caff tea? I've never seen it! :confused:
u can get decaf tea, even in france where decaf coffee is hard to get!
Reply 18
Oh ok, thanks. :smile:
Reply 19
Tea has theine (aka caffeine) in it, which is a diuretic, which is why it may make you need the toilet. Tannins in tea (and red wine) stain your teeth. I think tea may be worse for staining teeth than coffee. Green tea in particular.