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Reply 1
Atkins, but don't even go there....
Reply 2
People are going to jump on me probably but certainly with me, I found that I didn't eat as "well" as I normally would do (due to living the typical uni, student life) and found I lost half a stone.

Now i've never been a big fan of starving yourself to lose weight and always used Biology to back up my statement but I now believe that if you do it for a short period of time then you can easily lose weight.
Reply 3
Reply 4
Ricewater for a month normally makes monks pretty skinny.
Reply 5
The Mars Bar Diet, eat a Mars bar for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 months and i lost 3 stone.

This could be also to do with loosing some puppy fat but still, pretty impressive.

Fecks up your body tho, not the best thing to do, you kinda become almost aneorexic i guess...

Reply 6
The Mars Bar Diet, eat a Mars bar for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 months and i lost 3 stone.

This could be also to do with loosing some puppy fat but still, pretty impressive.

Fecks up your body tho, not the best thing to do, you kinda become almost aneorexic i guess...


That's bloody nasty!
Reply 7
That is the most disgusting thing ever.
Reply 8
Lol...but it works and is cheap, unlike all the other diets!

Looking back, it was pretty gross but as i say it works!

Reply 9
i've heard about this diet, where you must drink 4 big cups of warm water before each meal, but i dont remember the other details. i know....its so crazy. and with this diet you will end up goin to the toilet like every few
Or, swap mars bars for fruit and cereal???
Reply 11
But thats boring and is not chocolate!?

Besides, who wants to eat cereal every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 months?

Reply 12
Hey, why not eat nothing but rice cakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the rest of your life? You'll get super skinny! You might also die, but who cares, at least you'll leave a good-looking corpse!

In other words, get over it.
The Mars Bar Diet, eat a Mars bar for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 months and i lost 3 stone.

This could be also to do with loosing some puppy fat but still, pretty impressive.

Fecks up your body tho, not the best thing to do, you kinda become almost aneorexic i guess...


You almost deserve rep for being so utterly ****ing crazy :biggrin:
Reply 14
Almost deserve, i say i bloody deserve it, for fecking my body up, but also winning the sailing championships this year for my university all thanks to this diet...and of course my awesome sailing skills!

Anyway thanks mate!

Better than eating rabbit food for months on end with no result!

Reply 15
i've heard about this diet, where you must drink 4 big cups of warm water before each meal, but i dont remember the other details. i know....its so crazy. and with this diet you will end up goin to the toilet like every few
Do you often repeat yourself? :rolleyes:
LOL....warm water, mars bars....what interesting diets. Just dont eat very much if you're that desperate to lose weight. Im sure cutting out junk food works, but no one can ever seem to keep it up (well i cant anyway, i end up binging) Food with high fibre speeds up the metabolism....
i really think this thread shud be closed, its verging on unhealthily encouraging people to eat **** all but chocolate, etc, besides, the minute you stop the diets you end up putting on a stone in 2 weeks! i did try the atkins diet when i was 17, and my mum took me to the doctors cos i was ill and he said if you dont stop it you will end up in hospital

besides if you want to lose weight/eat more healthily, there are 'diets/healthy eating plans' such as weight watchers and slimming world, which are actually recommended by doctors and by doctors i mean proper GPs etc not crazy 'alternative' doctors.
Reply 19
Eat dust for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. Repeat.