The Student Room Group

Confused - What should i do?

Hey, i was wondering if you guys could help me by giving your opinion on this situation?

Well I met this guy through a friend and got chatting on the internet and stuff. A couple of months later I met this guy with my friend and we got on really well. After that we would talk/text all the time and meet up whenever possible. We were best friends. Now time has passed and we are really close. We think about each all the time and miss each so much when we are apart. He told me how much he likes me and how hes never felt like this about anyone else. I think i feel the same about him, hes the most amazing guy i have ever met. Theres one big problem though.. Hes 10 years older than me(27). I know my family wouldnt be happy at all and think my friends would react badly. I dont know what to do. Should we carry on as best friends or should we go with our hearts and let it go further?

Any views appriciated?
Thank you
Reply 1
That's a huge age gap for a 17 year old. It's probably best just to stay friends.
Hey, i was wondering if you guys could help me by giving your opinion on this situation?

Well I met this guy through a friend and got chatting on the internet and stuff. A couple of months later I met this guy with my friend and we got on really well. After that we would talk/text all the time and meet up whenever possible. We were best friends. Now time has passed and we are really close. We think about each all the time and miss each so much when we are apart. He told me how much he likes me and how hes never felt like this about anyone else. I think i feel the same about him, hes the most amazing guy i have ever met. Theres one big problem though.. Hes 10 years older than me(27). I know my family wouldnt be happy at all and think my friends would react badly. I dont know what to do. Should we carry on as best friends or should we go with our hearts and let it go further?

Any views appriciated?
Thank you

Bingo! Proximity-induced co-dependency - once you stop communicating so much every day, it'll fade.
I say don't play tennis with toddlers - are you gonna get it when he makes jokes about the first series of byker grove? is he gonna get it when you talk about your as levels or getting ID'd in your local? Stick to your own decade methinks
Reply 4
Yer bad idea in my opinion, 10 years is a bit much, and you will both probably want different things out of the relationship, and 17 is still very young so i think the feelings will fade over time when you meet some people around the same age.
Reply 5
Is your maturity gonna clash with each other at some point? Like, would he understand the pressures of exams and would you understand his obligations at work? Would he be able to go out with you and your friends, when I'm assuming what you'll be doing is probably clubbing or shopping and he's probably gonna find either one rather unattractive?

Thing is, there's no harm done in staying friends for now. If the feelings remain in 3, 4 years' time when you're just that bit older, then go for it. I know the age gap will still be the same but maturity is the most important that, not that you'll be that mature anyway at 21 but more so than at 17 I can assure you! Even at 18 there's a drastic difference in maturity compared to a 17-year-old lol. If you're meant to be with him, the feelings will stay, you'll be more certain about it and by know, know your future to see if it's compatable with his - get together then. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. :smile:
Reply 6
"Sorry darling, I don't want to commence a deeper relationship because I got the advice off TSR not to".

Jesus F Christ.