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Bigtime - i'm half english, half irish and damn i'm fine. was that what you meant??? :biggrin:
Reply 2
You probably mean mixed race?
I don't wish I was mixed, but it is true, you barely see someone half-Asian half-Caucasian that doesn't look good.
Reply 3
Bigtime - i'm half english, half irish and damn i'm fine. was that what you meant??? :biggrin:

ez there~~~~~~:rolleyes:
Reply 4
Yeh I've noticed mixed people usually look a lot more attractive. It's a bit like mixing in the best features of both races and coming out with a beautiful cocktail :biggrin:

Anyway it's good for me cus I hope to marry a westerner and I'm Chinese :p:
hehe yeah they do. sometimes I wish I was a Brazilian mix. :P
Reply 6
mixed definitly look better. i think its sth to do with a wider genetic diversity which is more favourable.
There is a high likelyhood they will be good looking= yummy.

I never noticed until my mother pointed it out to me (as in, look, go chase!)
Yeh I've noticed mixed people usually look a lot more attractive. It's a bit like mixing in the best features of both races and coming out with a beautiful cocktail :biggrin:

Anyway it's good for me cus I hope to marry a westerner and I'm Chinese :p:

I'll marry you the orientals are so damn sexy.

Mixes race do tend to be stunning especially half black/white and half white/oriental.
Asian women are just beautiful anyway.
Reply 9
Im half asian and half arab and i think im fine ...:biggrin:
Mixed race = pretty face :wink:
Reply 11
Am I the only one that realises regardless of your race, it's more to do with your parents features/genetics that is more likely to affect your features?

The trends in the UK show that people with a mixed ethnicity is on the rise. So it is more likely a person you think is good looking will be mixed race.

It's like comparing 5 randomly selected people from England, and 20 randomly selected people from Spain (Or anywhere in the world), and the chances are, if you had to pick one person out of the total 25 on looks (or anything), they would be most likely from Spain.

I was dissapointed when my housemate, who was mixed race, wasn't attractive (from my point of view), so I see where you guys are coming need to go and check yourself.
Reply 12
Ronaldo, Ronaldinho are Fugly
Im half spanish half latin- american.. i think thats a nice mix:redface:
Mixed race = pretty face :wink:
Yay :p:

Not always true tho :wink: Although my dad's half Polish/Lithuanian and half Indian and he always has women after him, even tho they're old lol. It's cute. :biggrin:
Prettier maybe...

However, all the halfies that I run into are very cocky and up themselves, usually due to their good looks.
Surely it also depends on what an individual finds attractive?

But I'd mostly agree with your point I think.
Reply 17
hehe yeah they do. sometimes I wish I was a Brazilian mix. :P

had one of those for lunch :biggrin:.
Yeah I think they can look more exotic, especially latino girls who always have the nicest colour skin!
Reply 19
One guy I like I think is half malaysian half welsh its an odd combo but hell is he HOT!!!!