I got younger broz, and im always worrying about what happens to them. my bro just turned 13 and out of a sudden hes goin out to movies, and i worry cuz i know where he goes to watch movies is the worse place ever, cuz i've been there and see what kinna stupidness happens. juss a couple weeks ago him n his friend went to his school field to play soccer, and they seen older guys playin there so my bro asked if they could play....n they started pushin him n his friend around. i got soooooo pisssssssssssed when he came home cryin.....i mean these guys were like 18 pickin on a 13 yr old i wanted to go there n knock them all out. another thing is..when his gf calls and askes for him i tell her hes not home, when he is....i should lay off right?? but hes 13 wat does he need a gf 4??
anyways it seems like i worry more then my parents do, i drive myself crazy... i always think somethin bad is gunna happen to them and/or they might hurt................................is this normal or am i crazy?