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Reply 1

But don't bother buying them. Goto a clinic and get loads for free.
Reply 2
yes but they all do the same thing dnt they so does it particullay matter
Reply 3
Yeah, the blue durex ones.
Reply 4
what are they called in the shop though you never just see 'durex condoms'

But don't bother buying them. Goto a clinic and get loads for free.

if you want to have all the sensation of stuffing a sheeps bladder round it
Dont they just do the extra safe in clinics?
Reply 7
I think the standard ones are called 'Gossamer' (The Durex ones atleast) but to be honest, they all feel kinda similar, for the bloke atleast. I believe you can get variety packs, probably good if yoru jsut starting out and wanna try out a few diff types.
Reply 8
Dont they just do the extra safe in clinics?

Such a myth. I went with my friend the other week (as moral support:p:) and they gave her some extra safe but also 5 other colours of durex, including some bright orange (but non flavoured) ones! She gave them to me as thanks for going with her, woohoo!
Reply 9

Silly question but can you just buy plain condoms?
No extra safe
No featherlite etc etc
Just normal plain condom?

Because I can't see them in the shops.

Only on 'dress down' week-ends; otherwise, it's plain old ostentatious XXL glow-in-the-dark goat-flavour (for added plausibility).
Reply 10
gossamer are the normal then?
Reply 11
yes they tend to be the most 'normal' ones (turquoisey colour, same as the tingle ones). I doubt you can tell the difference between them and extra safe/elite etc tbh.
Yep...look at this picture...

I've not seen them many places though, you could always buy them online no doubt.
Flavoured ones are a joke anyway. It's like, yeah, this is what a banana would taste like... if it was made of rubber! And it wears off completely anyway after about 5 seconds.
Reply 14
ooh thats a good website! might purchase from there.
If you just want normal one's, go to the doctor/GUM clinic and get loads for free. They are always perfectly good.

And I disagree with people on this thread, I can easily tell the difference between extra-safe, featherlite and pleasuremax.
Reply 16
Solved that just bought from that website,

Durex Gossamer 3 Pack
Durex Pleasuremax 3 Pack
Safex Natural 3 Pack

Thanks for your help people.
Only on 'dress down' week-ends; otherwise, it's plain old ostentatious XXL glow-in-the-dark goat-flavour (for added plausibility).

Okay, I was laughing, but goat-flavour just pushed me over the edge :redface:
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm goaty love, which I suppose you could get from a blokee with a beard.
What are the pleasuremax ones like out of interest....any good?