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Reply 1
My boyfriend has a goatee and tash, yummy yum yum :biggrin:

I like sideburns too.
Reply 2
I don't mind stubble, but then i recently had an experience where seriously, my whole face was scratched up really bad.
Nope nope and nope.
Reply 4
ohh i do i do! A lot of people i know do i think, and i like the know? I don't like men who carve their beards lol i think it looks funny...sometimes it can be pulled off, but that is rarely! Overall though, i think it's pretty cute and makes the guy look more masculine
love it. just not a bush.
my girlfriend loves it when i got a stubble, but my mother moans when i don't have a shave lol
Reply 7
I don't like it personally. I don't mind a bit of stubble sometimes, but after a few days I think a shave is in order.
Reply 8
I don't like it personally. I don't mind a bit of stubble sometimes, but after a few days I think a shave is in order.


I don't like "designer" facial hair either.

Actually, kissing 2 day stubble is WAY worse than a week's worth of beard, by which time it's got a bit soft and strokey. Neither is very attractive though.
Protruding _ahead
if so, what kind of style?

i prefer cleanshaven. sexier, i think.
my girlfriend loves it when i got a stubble, but my mother moans when i don't have a shave lol

That happens to me all the time!!!
wheet girls here like sideburns (:
I think this is one of those topics that deserves a twin-topic: "Boys; do you like facial hair on girls?" :p:
Reply 14
I like super smoove.

Funny story about my (sadly deceased) father which I like to remember....

In australia, a thing called a "flavour saver" is popular. Its the little tuft under the bottom lip. It's also called a "clit tickler". I was explaing this to my 60 plus yo dad in the supermarket and he said "that's not right, unless you're doing a soixante-neuf" - I died laughing in the meat section, he giggled like a school boy.
I like facial hair on men but only a small ammount, i dont want him to have a proper full beard! By that i mean the type where he could snack out of it with the crumbs of his last meal! Or like Father Xmas. I like styled but not too styled tho. But it doesnt suit some guys. I like facial hair becuase its masculine but i do prefer some men clean shaven. But designer sort of stubble is good in my opinion, not too much, just enough.

Reply 16
I like it, can be very sexy! My boyfriend has a small goatee, small tash and very thin sidey's down the side of his jawbone which meet his goatee :love:

I dont really like clean shaven, I think it looks a bit baby faced!
colin farrell above. perfect. just a bit of stubble! very sexy!
yeh i do, my boyfriend has and i think its cute :smile:
Reply 19
Personally like a bit of stubble - stubble that's grown beyond being scratchy, that is.

Also I have to say some guys suit facial hair more than others!