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Guys: why do you make blank eye contact with random girls?

I've noticed this happening more recently but I'm not too sure why. It's not random fleeting eye contact where you look through a person, rather you can tell that they have acknowledged you or that you have 'registered' in their mind and very occasionally they will smile too. At first I avoided eye contact but could often 'feel' someone looking and when I forced myself to look in that direction we make eye contact. It happens with women too sometimes but to a much lesser extent.

Makes me a bit paranoid that I look weird or my shoes are making too much noise or that my make-up has somehow smudged and I look like a clown lol or maybe I have a familiar looking face

Guys do you ever make blank eye contact with randomers? Girls have you experienced this?

Inb4 pics: no thanks jeff
Inb4 fishing
Lettuce be cereal

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Reply 1
Because the guys may find you attractive. The women may also find you attractive.
Reply 2
Original post by jay2013
Because the guys may find you attractive. The women may also find you attractive.

Hmm I thought that might be one of the reasons for guys but never guessed that for girls. I always thought they were mirin my eyebrows or eye make up or something since thats the only reason I would stare at random girls (although I would avert eye contact as soon as they saw me)
Reply 3
I have a bad habit of zoning out to think so I occasionally do this on accident , that or because I find the girl somewhat attractive
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
Hmm I thought that might be one of the reasons for guys but never guessed that for girls. I always thought they were mirin my eyebrows or eye make up or something since thats the only reason I would stare at random girls (although I would avert eye contact as soon as they saw me)

Perhaps they are admiring your eyebrows or eye make up or something else. But you also have to remember that there are women out there who are bisexual and homosexual and you wouldn't even know it from just looking at them!
Reply 5
I do it all the time. I look because I am interested. If I find the girl attractive then the first goal is actually to get her to know I'm looking. But sometimes the person may be interesting for a reason that has nothing to do with attraction, and then I'm just looking.

Also I do this no matter what mood I'm in, meaning if I'm in a neutral mood I will usually not bother smiling or anything even if we keep eye contact for a second or two. Usually the girl has a dead face too, but if she seems happy then that will be contagious and I might then smile or say something. That's why I look at girls like that regardless of mood, cause there's always a chance. :smile:

And if I look quite a lot and a girl gets weird about it and says "What?" with a smile, then that is a success too! Basically looking is the easiest way to show interest, but obviously it's usually misinterpreted.
(edited 10 years ago)
This happened to me for the first time ever at a ballet performance I went with my mum because she likes the arts and after the show the dancers greeted the audience and this guy was looking at me from the mirror and then locked eyes with me but I didn't resond and shrugged it of by looking the another way 😦 I was so tired so I looked like i was not interested doubt it he liked me I looked so rough and it was probably fatigue playing with me, wish I smiled though I would have a love interest since I have the sex appeal of a potato
Reply 7
Usually if I look at someone (male or female) it's because they've piqued my interest, usually in a good way. I find myself staring a lot at women who have nice hair, for example, and then wondering whether I would look nice with said hair.

I actually do this a lot less with men, unless they're particularly attractive or particularly interesting. Also wearing cool clothing.
Reply 8
I have a habit of looking at pretty much any girl who walks past (eg. if I'm working on a computer in the library), but if they look in my direction, I quickly look away.

Is this what you mean? Because if it is, then I am guilty of it.
I have experienced it I was in the car with my mum and this guy was staring at me it was proper intense, freaked the bajeezus out of me, checked my face in the car mirror straight after :smile:
Reply 10
Original post by Anonymous
I've noticed this happening more recently but I'm not too sure why. It's not random fleeting eye contact where you look through a person, rather you can tell that they have acknowledged you or that you have 'registered' in their mind and very occasionally they will smile too. At first I avoided eye contact but could often 'feel' someone looking and when I forced myself to look in that direction we make eye contact. It happens with women too sometimes but to a much lesser extent.

Makes me a bit paranoid that I look weird or my shoes are making too much noise or that my make-up has somehow smudged and I look like a clown lol or maybe I have a familiar looking face

Guys do you ever make blank eye contact with randomers? Girls have you experienced this?

Inb4 pics: no thanks jeff
Inb4 fishing
Lettuce be cereal

Either means nothing, could just be an accident / coincidence, or the guy could be interested and doing it for kicks - I do this tbh
Reply 11
Original post by Bassetts
I have a habit of looking at pretty much any girl who walks past (eg. if I'm working on a computer in the library), but if they look in my direction, I quickly look away.

Is this what you mean? Because if it is, then I am guilty of it.

If only you maintained eye contact Mr Bassetts!
Reply 12
Original post by Tom78
Either means nothing, could just be an accident / coincidence, or the guy could be interested and doing it for kicks - I do this tbh

What do you mean 'interested and doing it for kicks'?
I don't, might steal a quick glance but rapidly turn away if they look towards me :ninja:

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 14
Original post by majmuh24
I don't, might steal a quick glance but rapidly turn away if they look towards me :ninja:

Posted from TSR Mobile

So then how would one tell the difference between rapidly turning away because attracted and a little shy or rapidly turning away because not attracted and dont want to give the wrong impression?
Reply 15
Original post by Anonymous
What do you mean 'interested and doing it for kicks'?

Finds the girls attractive, gives him an ego boost, lol.
Original post by Anonymous
So then how would one tell the difference between rapidly turning away because attracted and a little shy or rapidly turning away because not attracted and dont want to give the wrong impression?

They wouldn't, that's the whole point :tongue:

Most of the time it's cos I'm shy though :colondollar:

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 17
Original post by Tom78
Finds the girls attractive, gives him an ego boost, lol.

Wait but how does it give him an ego boost if he's the one doing the staring? :s-smilie:
Reply 18
Original post by Anonymous
Wait but how does it give him an ego boost if he's the one doing the staring? :s-smilie:

He gains attention and control.
Reply 19
Original post by majmuh24
They wouldn't, that's the whole point :tongue:

Most of the time it's cos I'm shy though :colondollar:

Posted from TSR Mobile

But what if the girl finds you attractive too?! Think of all the missed connections!