The Student Room Group


I have a serious issue with my emotions. I find life would be much easier if I were completly devoid of them. I hate talking about my emotions and how I "feel", just the thought of it makes me feel "pathetic". From a young age I've always kept things to myself, never really expressed them to others, and I think my r/s with my father and my family in general has got a huge part to do with it. From a young age, he never really got on with me, he had his favouite (and he admits it). He used to make me fight with my cousin when we were young (like 6 or 7) and I lost and beat me so I was told. So over the years I've grown disconnect with my family to the point where I really just use them for somewhere to stay. Recently I just had a conversation with a friend telling me that I'm bringing my brothers self-esteem right down because of the distance/hate I seem to show for them. And at the moment, I do feel bad to a degree, but overall I don't care. I feel at the moment that I just want to move away, go somewhere where noone knows me and start over. I've been told by many I'm a bitter prick, I know this and I know it's bad so why doesn't it bother me? Maybe I'm screwed up inside. I also have the tendency to tell people I'm a prick, without knowing I do it. Maybe I do it to push people away? I don't know. I like to know y'all opinions as I this the first time I have ever said this.... and with the internet being "disconnect" it's easier for me.
Reply 1
I have a serious issue with my emotions. I find life would be much easier if I were completly devoid of them. I hate talking about my emotions and how I "feel", just the thought of it makes me feel "pathetic". From a young age I've always kept things to myself, never really expressed them to others, and I think my r/s with my father and my family in general has got a huge part to do with it. From a young age, he never really got on with me, he had his favouite (and he admits it). He used to make me fight with my cousin when we were young (like 6 or 7) and I lost and my dad beat me for it so I was told. So over the years I've grown disconnect with my family to the point where I really just use them for somewhere to stay. Recently I just had a conversation with a friend telling me that I'm bringing my brothers self-esteem right down because of the distance/hate I seem to show for them. And at the moment, I do feel bad to a degree, but overall I don't care. I feel at the moment that I just want to move away, go somewhere where noone knows me and start over. I've been told by many I'm a bitter prick, I know this and I know it's bad so why doesn't it bother me? Maybe I'm screwed up inside. I also have the tendency to tell people I'm a prick, without knowing I do it. Maybe I do it to push people away? I don't know. I like to know y'all opinions as I this the first time I have ever said this.... and with the internet being "disconnect" it's easier for me.

Fixed the typos.
Reply 2
Theres nothing wrong with a fresh start. Some people don't click with their families. I know I don't. When I leave home no doubt we will lose touch.

On the other hand I keep my friends close to me. Everyone has good inside them and you just need someone who can see that. Showing emotion is NOT pathetic at all. Don't let anyone tell you that.

Do what is right for you first and foremost - Everyone else can come after.
Reply 3
Ha. I read the title all wrong, i thought you were about to talk about emoticons.

To change the subject, that rolling eye's smiley really riles me.
Reply 4
I know exactly what you mean i never seem to be able to talk about my feelings especailly when i'm upset about something, i just hide it from everyone instead.
Reply 5
Emotion isn't just being upset. I'm not one to cry, but will talk to close friends if I'm upset about something.

I sometimes have a bit of a temper though so when I'm upset it can come out as anger instead...

Bottling it up probabally doesn't help you, but do what you gotta do to be happy.
Reply 6
How else do you feel inside? Angry? Or do you feel the potential to be good etc?
Reply 7
How else do you feel inside? Angry? Or do you feel the potential to be good etc?

I feel angry. Alot of pent up anger and hate. But theres nothing I can do about it. I know the only way it to talk to my family about this, but that is the last thing I ever want to do. It's never going to happen.
Reply 8
I suggest counsilling but understand you would probably feel 'pathetic' going there? Also, not want to speak about your feelings.

I know what you feel like believe it or not as I hate talking about my emotions, I feel weak to do so.
A life without emotions sounds fun, but it's really not.

Without the sour the sweet wouldn't be as sweet. Take the good with the bad. So you don't click with your family, so your dad's a bit of a weirdo and you dodn't bond with him, so you have no friends right now that you feel *really* strongly about in a good way. So what?? Don't go wishing that you could never feel anything. It might be the way you feel, but you only feel that because of the situation you're in. Wait until you move out, and you make friends that think and feel the same way about you on things, and even some that don't - because friendship is not about having the same likes and dislikes, it's mainly about CONNECTING, on an EMOTIONAL level. If we all had friends that were carbon copies of us, well, it doesn't bear thinking about. I'd be bored out of my skull for one. Anyway, what I'm saying is you just haven't had the chance to connect with someone deeply emotionally enough for it to have a real impact, you're probably lonely, really.

Oh and what others have said - showing emotion isn't pathetic. If you don't do it and have no DESIRE to do it, then don't. But never EVER sit there and force emotion back inside of you just because you want to be emotionless, because you'll end up as one screwed up being with a lotta psychologist bills to pay.