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Whe I was in Germany this was aallll I drank! It's like apple juice with fizzy water, it's very nice! But do we have anything like this here? I was looking down the shelves in sainsbury's and didnt see anything really :frown:

Btw, what actually is Appletiser? Is it just pure apple juice? Or is it mixed with anything??

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Reply 1
Appletiser is apfelshorle....with a fancy name.

All they seem to drink in Deutschland is fizzy water bleurgh!! I lived on the apfelschorle that they serve in glass bottles wooo.
Ooo I've had many a convo about that crappy water...they don't have water.without.bubbles!

I never ever drank fizzy drinks before Germany - byt he end of the first week I was so bored of this crappy water that I was suddenly downing gallons of coke and sprite...then I found apfelschorle :redface:

It almost got to the point where I wondered whether we in England actually remove the bubbles from the water, and that this rubbish is infact normal water...
Reply 3
i love apfelschlore! :smile:
Just get apple juice and mix it with sparkling water. I do this, and I actually *live* in Germany. Apfelschorle is faaar to expensive.
Reply 5
bet it's not as good as a Apfelcorn :biggrin:

Reply 6
In Germany you can get "flat" water, medium bubbles and fizzy water. I personally prefer tap water, costs less and I hate bubbles.
I mix Apfelschorle myself, if I want it. Then I can put in just a little fizzy water and control the amount of juice that goes into it. Take good juice though, prefer 100% pure juice without xtra sugar.
Reply 7
Mit luft oder ohne luft. lol
Reply 8
Mit luft oder ohne luft. lol

It's actually "mit Kohlensäure" (Co2) oder ohne
Reply 9
Yeah, we do have normal water - to whoever said we didn't :p: It is rather expensive though and most people who want bubble-free water usually just stick to tab water because the quality of it is good over here and there's no harm in drinking it.

But yeah, mix Apfelschorle yourself :smile:

Do you not have any fizzy water in England :shocked: ???
Yeah, we do have normal water - to whoever said we didn't :p: It is rather expensive though and most people who want bubble-free water usually just stick to tab water because the quality of it is good over here and there's no harm in drinking it.

But yeah, mix Apfelschorle yourself :smile:

Do you not have any fizzy water in England :shocked: ???

Nein! It's a peculiar German thing, drinking crateloads of fizzy water. I suppose the equivalent British thing is binge drinking.

And regarding the water... are you joking? Anywhere outside London has faaaar better quality than where I live in Germany. Of course, in London, it's not great. :frown:
Reply 11
Of course we have sparkling water here. I just don't see the appeal in drinking it (I find it abrasive on the throat) and don't understand why Germans do drink it.
I quite like sparkling water. Prefer apple juice though. Especially real Apfelsaft, not the filtered ****e you get over here.
Reply 13
hmmm it's like apple pie in a bottle :biggrin: ace with vodka!
Reply 14
Nein! It's a peculiar German thing, drinking crateloads of fizzy water. I suppose the equivalent British thing is binge drinking.

And regarding the water... are you joking? Anywhere outside London has faaaar better quality than where I live in Germany. Of course, in London, it's not great. :frown:

In London water's great, since it's so hard. It has real flavour, and it's better for you.

I swear all the taps in Germany make the water all bubbly too.
Reply 15
....and also not to be forgotten the "Weinschorle". White wine with chilled fizzy water. Very refreshing. Also very nice with a rose or rotling wine.
Reply 16
Schorle is anything mixed with fizzy water. Any juice or wine.
Then you also get "Radler" or as it is called in the north "Alsterwasser"
Beer (lager) mixed with lemonade 1:1 (it has to be "see through" lemon flavoured lemonade). good, refreshing and doesn't make you drunk. It can even bought ready mixed nowadays. I guess it can be thought of as a German kind of Lager&Lime.
And in the southwest you can get "saures Radler" -> 50% lager + 50% fizzy water (I am not joking!)
Reply 17
Radler is what us Brits call shandy.

When we were on holiday in Bavaria the first place we stopped was to buy lots of beer, and one of my dad's friends bought a crate of Radler. How he got laughed at all week :biggrin: (although it was cool because us younger ones got to drink it :biggrin:)
Of course we have sparkling water here. I just don't see the appeal in drinking it (I find it abrasive on the throat) and don't understand why Germans do drink it.

80 million Germans find it tastes nice, making your taste buds rather unimportant in comparision. :wink:
Reply 19
In London water's great, since it's so hard. It has real flavour, and it's better for you.

I swear all the taps in Germany make the water all bubbly too.

LOL I swear not :p: