The Student Room Group

My tongue

I had it pierced on Monday (three days ago) and the swelling hasn't yet gone down at all. I've been trying icy drinks and ice cream (which I am now sick of the sight of) but it hasn't helped. I have to keep taking ibuprofen because it hurts all the time, not just when I'm eating or talking.

Any tips on things I can do despite the usual stuff they parrot at you at the piercing places? Or is there something seriously wrong with it?
Reply 1
You could numb it with bonjela?
Reply 2
I doubt there is anything seriously wrong, the tongue isn't meant for making holes in so it's bound to hurt for a while. :smile:
Reply 3
Also, try this thread: They'll know more, and you're less likely to get people bandwagoning with the "OMFG!!!1111!1 THATS SIC!". :smile:
Reply 4
3 Days is kind of long, but not so long that you need to start worrying yet, I think. I have a friend who used to pierce his own tongue all the time (because he kept changing his mind, weirdo) and the swelling usually went down after 2 or 3 days.
Reply 5
give it a few more days and it should have gone down by then :smile:

also when I had mine done my friend said to NOT use bonjela on it however tempted I was because it just won't heal as fast :dontknow:
Reply 6
wash your mouth out with watered down mouthwash everytime after something goes in your mouth except water. Mine healed up inside about 5/6 days
Reply 7
my friend has his tounge pierced an said it took about a week to go down. Have you got any other piercing cuz apparently its not so bad if you have already had one.. like your lip?? duno why tho!
Reply 8
Not to put the frighteners on you, but my girlfriend had hers done a couple of years back and it got infected and was incredibly painful. In retrospect she reckons had she gone to the docs sooner she wouldn't have had so much pain. An amount is normal for a few days, but if it persists, or you notice anything like abnormal swelling (over what you would expect), and blood or pus, get it checked out.
Reply 9
Mine was still quite swollen after 3 days as well. Just keep putting NOT sucking ice on it. Try not to suck on things it only puts more pressure on it.
Some people take longer to heal. Limit how much you talk and generally use your tongue.
Reply 10
cheers guys

except the one who said about it getting infected :rolleyes:
as a guide have a look at the bar when you stick your tougue out, there should be sufficient room to move the bar up and down. if there is no room at all then you have a problem. so long as theres a bit of room you'll be fine. swelling is just part of the healing process so don't worry.
Reply 12
dont worry AT ALL mine took ages for the swelling to go down completely!!
Reply 13
I wasn't saying he shouldn't do it. I was just saying that he was right in that it will hurt.