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Nothing wrong I'm just worried


My girlfriend is on holiday till Thursday the 17th, and I was meant to be seeing her on the 18th, earlier she texts me saying 'sorry I'm seeing friends that day' I ring her (in Greece) and she in my mind didn't sound to happy.
I reallymiss her loads, I text her telling her I thought she wanted to split with me, and she said not to worry!.
But it' still playing on my mind.

I just wanted to get that off my chest.

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Reply 1
Woow sorry but if i was u find out whats goin on cos thats pretty harsh..
Reply 2
Sorry I meant to say she told me she had arranged the freinds thing before but forgot.
Reply 3
oh well.. ur her bf... u should always be put first..... how long you been with her?
Reply 4
2 months.
Reply 5
you cant expect her to dump her friends for you though, not being harsh but if she had already arranged to see them then cant you see her another day?
oh well.. ur her bf... u should always be put first..... how long you been with her?
I don't agree with that at all I'm afraid. If she already arranged to see friends first, she should stick with her first appointment, it would be rude not to. As far as I'm concerned, girls who ditch their friends for their boyfriend are never going to be very good friends as they'll drop you when they see something "better" coming along.

kacas, I really wouldn't worry, phone calls are very difficult to judge as you can't see her facial expressions/body language. And if she says don't worry, I say don't worry too! And a girl who is loyal to her friends seems like a decent girl. Ask if you can see her maybe on the 19th, I'm sure she'd tell you if there was anything wrong. Maybe she was tired/hungry/grumpy when she picked up the phone, I'm sure it wasn't a reflection on you. :smile:
Reply 7
If its a serious relationship and depending how in love and close you to are, If you she loved you that much ... wouldnt she want to see you first as the fact you have been seperated for awhile... Dont she miss you enough. She obviously isnt that crazy about you.

I know you people dont agree with what i said earlier. but no matter what il always put my gf first. I know she would do the same .
Reply 8
also try not to text/phone her too much while she's away, just let her have some space. holidays, i hate them :frown: always makes things weird
Reply 9
also try not to text/phone her too much while she's away,

well i've f"cked up royally on that one.
don't stress about the calls/texts you have made, im sure she'll understand that your missing her, and dont worry about it, im sure everything will b fine, coz shes not seeing you straight away doesnt mean she doesnt miss you, just that she cant b unreliable for her friends, which is understandable
well i've f"cked up royally on that one.

aww don't worry :smile: just from now on don't do it as much. i made that mistake, actually i don't see it as something i did wrong.
but i'm sure your girlfriend still likes you and there is nothing wrong :smile: it's just probably best to go out, try to take your mind off it and show that you're doing things and you don't need to text her that much. she'll probably start to miss you more by the end of the week :smile:
hmmmm i would have thought she'd pop and see you first if nothing else normally the first person you'd wanna see after being away for a time would be your partner, although yes you can't just abandon your friends.
Reply 13
Well if she arranged it first I suppose..........Can't blame her.
Reply 14
I'm having friends around tonight to try and not think about it :smile:
Got one in at 7, then another at 9!
that's good :smile: things like that should help, just have fun and it'll make the days go quicker!
and wen she get sback you can tell her that u have actuallu been doing stuff instead of sitting at home worrying!!
I don't agree with that at all I'm afraid. If she already arranged to see friends first, she should stick with her first appointment, it would be rude not to. As far as I'm concerned, girls who ditch their friends for their boyfriend are never going to be very good friends as they'll drop you when they see something "better" coming along.

Im a guy and I ditch my friends to see my girlfriend. I think a better partner would be the one who considers their bf/gf over their friends surely.
you dont have to sacrifice either friends or bf/gf if you can see both of them in the space of 2 days then wats the difference if one comes first. if all my friends could only meet up on 1 day coz of stuff going on then id choose my friends, or if it was a bday of my best friend id choose my friend. but if my bf really needed me, or something similar then obv id choose him, you dont have to put one set before the other, you can have it all!!!
Reply 19
I know it's easy for us to say, but don't worry about it. You're probably just blowing it out of proportion because you haven't seen her for a while, and you're maybe feeling stressed and upset cos you miss her. Which is completely understandable. And if she has arranged to see her friends before she sees you, then really it's only fair. Maybe she wanted to see you first, but it's too short notice to call her friends and cancel?