The Student Room Group

Ear Problem

When hearing loud music, i keep hearing scratching sounds in my left ear and its really unconfortable - i cover up my left ear with my hand to reduce the noise and the scratching stops.. theres is no wax in my ears and i never put anything in my ears anyway - is it possible that my ears are damaged permanently? I have had this for about 4 months. Ta xx :biggrin:
Reply 1
any1? :frown:
Reply 2
only during loud music? only ever left ear?

go to your gp or nurse.
hmm, not sure what it could be, maybe damaged, but if i were you i'd probs go to the docs to get it checked out. i dont think it'll be permanent (based on no ear knowledge) but the docs should give u a reliable diagnosis lol
Reply 4
maybe the sound waves have little scratchy insects which fly out of speakers and only into your ears because your ears have a special attractive smell
So is it now gone??