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I am university at the mo, and I went to see old mates - for old times.

Anyway, I went to their flat...My mate, lives with his gf. She is generally a very nice girl, who takes initive, talks to me i.e. asks how I am, how my summer has been etc etc. I am well liked by mates.

Anyway, with my mates gf things are very ackward, especially when we are both alone. Like for example, my mate and my other mate had to leave for work, she asked me when I was at the door "so waht are you upto now?", I was like "I really dunno...I can stay here or go.", then she was like after 3 or 4 mins, "I am going to go take a nap" - an excuse in my opinion.

She has complimented me in the past, like she has said "ohhh you are cute", or if I am looking good has said stuff like "what would your parents be like if you had a gf?" - my fam are muslim...

I see her as a mate, but I dunno if the reason why shes so ackward around me.I am nice, friendly etc. So I cant see why she would dislike me.


Reply 1
do you fancy her?
Bros before hos.
Reply 3
do you fancy her?

Nah, she is pretty but I see her as a mate. I think her and her bf make a good couple.
zomg she's a racist!
Reply 5
zomg she's a racist!

I very much doubt it. I am not the only Muslim she knows, there is another, but she seems to be more comftable around him.
Reply 6
from the way you put the sitch it seems like you think she fancies you, and if thats the vibe you get then mayb its true. if that is teh case then id just avoid being around her when its just u 2.
Reply 7
Bros before hos.

Friends before females:p:

Na mate, its your mates girlfriend... steer well clear:smile:

*edit* Sorry, reread your post and got the complete wrong of the stick. Just treat her friendly and it won't go anywhere, if she makes a move that's hers and your mates problem, not yours... as long as you don't return it:smile:

She may be awkward for any number of reasons though - some people are around people they don't know; especially partner's friends.
Reply 8
Friends before females:p:

Na mate, its your mates girlfriend... steer well clear:smile:

Yeah , for sure. I mean my mate is such a top guy, I would not like to see him or her being hurt (if it is what you are implying).

I do 'try and keep my distance', like I wont hug her; rather shake her hands everytime I see her.

Thing is though, like today at the flat I wanted to stay with her cos I have nothing to do (hence why I am on TSR) and just chat - in a similar way that I would do with my male friends. Yet I can't do that by the looks of it.
Reply 9

Yet I can't do that by the looks of it.

Why not? Why not just treat her like one of your lad mates? If she makes it difficult and doesn't want to talk to you just forget about it and don't bother trying again.
Reply 10
Maybe she is just a bit shy. I sometimes don't really feel up to talking to the people that I do know. So talking to someone I don't really know but wouldn't want to upset could be tricky
Reply 11
Why not? Why not just treat her like one of your lad mates? If she makes it difficult and doesn't want to talk to you just forget about it and don't bother trying again.

I do treat her like my lad mates. The prob is tho , is that she is fine with me if the other guys are around, she talks and is not timid (or gives the impression like go away!). It is just when I am alone with her , she will find some excuse to not be alone with me (in a room for example) - and I don't kno why.
Reply 12
Maybe she is just a bit shy. I sometimes don't really feel up to talking to the people that I do know. So talking to someone I don't really know but wouldn't want to upset could be tricky

Shes in my yr at uni, so knows who I am. Been clubbing and stuff with her mates, and my mates. Does the same course as me.
Just treat her like any other guy. It will get rid of the tension between you probably.
She probably had a crush on your before and doesn't want to makes this difficult between you and your friend.