The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have never vomited while taking the pill. I went on it about a year and a half ago.
Reply 2
Takes 7 days to be protected if you start taking it randomly.

Ive never heard of anyone vomiting from the pill.
Reply 3
Never vomited, and I don't think you're meant to seeing as being sick/having diarrhoea can cause the pill to be less effective for the next few days :confused:
Reply 4
Reply 5
The possible side effects include nausea/vomitting, however I only had nausea for about 24hrs after taking my very first pill.

Don't forget that if you do vomit, then you are no longer protected.
I've never been sick from the pill - it seems pretty rare, so don't worry!!
Reply 7
never been sick while ive been on microgynon. Id take it mid cycle if your in a rush to get started with it, and if your planning on sex, use a condom.
Reply 8
it didnt make me. no wait, what did i just say?

you can take it any time during your cycle it just takes 7 days for protection to start.
u can b sick if ur body doesnt like the about of stuff in it. wen i was on cliest i was feeling il ever day for the first 1 and a half and then i was fine its all to do with the level of horoms in them.
but im fine on microgynon so yeah if ur worried go back to the docs and try another 1 !!!
the only reason the doctor reccommends waiting until the first day of your next period is incase you're pregnant. But if you're on your period then obviously you're not. I started taking the same pill mid period, you just have to use extra contraception for the first 7 days as others have said. No, i never felt sick but I did get some erratic moodswings for a few days and also stomach cramps, but that all seems to have gone now thank god!
Reply 11
ive been on it for nearly 3 yrs
at first i was like this is alright why is everyone complaining
after 1yr 1/2 i felt sick just thinking about taking it. i dont know why but sometimes i put it in my mouth and just want to gag. i hate it now actually. thinking about it now is just so urgghhh