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On his terms

just want to rant really

i feel like everything in my relationship is on his terms and not mine, in general i dont mind but the little things get me down e.g. always asking him over, him never asking me, i even have to check when to phone him to see if its ok- im sure things arent meant to be this way, maybe im niave and a pushover and that why he likes me, cuz he can have everything his way and he knows i wont question it

what can i do?

Reply 1
Reply 2
oh thats a good idea thanks

i will do that

e.g. always asking him over, him never asking me, i even have to check when to phone him to see if its ok- im sure things arent meant to be this way, maybe im niave and a pushover and that why he likes me, cuz he can have everything his way and he knows i wont question it

what can i do?


A more cynical person than myself might suggest that you are with him specifically because things are like this; what is it that is said about women loving the thrill of the chase? My experiences would certainly concur with such an idea.
Reply 4
Reply 5
Just don't bother and ignore him for a while and see what happens, if he doesn't even try to contact you it's not worth it. It's just crap when it gets one-sided, that is not how it should be in a good relationship.

It got like this with my ex and I knew it was over when I decided not to make the effort and, well, he didn't either.
Reply 6
kick him in the nuts. itll be an exhilarating experience.
dr octagon
kick him in the nuts. itll be an exhilarating experience.

This is a very, very good post.
A one sided relationship never works
Reply 9
This is a very, very good post.

thank you very much. if you need any help, you know who to ask
Reply 10
I guess he just likes things his own way.
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 11
You should get a guy who would do anything for you - not one where you have to be on his 'terms'

try to dump him
im sorta in a relationship like that, ill ask him to phone me when he gets in or when hes finished work or anythin, but he doesnt and he'll text me hours later. sometimes i dont bother with him, dont text or call him but then he acts like he does normally and i break the silence as if nothin has happened, which for him maybe nothin has, and i feel stupid sayin anythin. yeah its a tricky situation, sorry that was a bit of a rant with no advice! i would say treat him as he is you, if you dont like it- decide if its worth it anyway.
Pretty Boy
Thats what I can be like. I guess he just likes things his own way.

But it cannot work like that, thats when issues start arising.
yea that's not fair. Have a talk with him, and if he doesn't listen I suggest doing what poster 2 said :smile:

Good luck,

Reply 15
My relationship gets like that sometimes but I don't think my boyfriend does it on purpose really, its just him. I've tried the whole ignoring thing and it does work but what I'd suggest is to talk to him and tell him how you feel. If he's anything like my bf then he may not even realise that it bothers you. If he doesn't seem to care then you have to think seriously about your relationship. I know it won't be easy but you have to think about what truly makes YOU happy and go from there.