The Student Room Group

Parents think I'm lazy

Hi I'm a PT double degree student in science and work very hard in a PT receptionist job and on w/e's model. :cool: Mostly it's promo and sometimes I even fly interstate, across the country for events and consider myself hard working but everyone in my family thinks I'm lazy. It's like I will disappear for 3 days (Fri, Sat and Sun) for a modelling stint or shoot, get back and my mum will be like 'oh so it's nice for SOME people to go on holidays, but you should work harder and become full-time in actual real work rather than doing micky mouse stuff'.


Also she's (my mum) has been complaining to my ex about how lazy I am :eek: :mad:

Oh and my rents are divorced too, but at least my dad is semi-supportive.:smile:

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Reply 1
Your mum sounds jealous, and like a bit of an arse aswell.
Reply 2
Aww - come on danni - not everyone has the opportunities you do, and your mums likely envious - from talking to you before it sounds like you are also very dedicated to your study and future - obviously modelling isn't a life long career, but you have an impending professional qualification, so its not like you're not "hedging your bets".

Keep doing exactly what you want, and have fun!
whats your mum doing talking to your ex?
Your mum sounds jealous, and like a bit of an arse aswell.

well the first thing sounds right.... dont wry i think she just wishes she was u lol:p:
Sounds as if they are jealous, modelling can't be that easy
Reply 6
If you're getting paid well for the modelling, dont see the problem, if on the other hand youre still waiting for a 'big break' and struggle to meet the costs of your lifestyle perhaps you should consider what shes saying
Reply 7
Aww - come on danni - not everyone has the opportunities you do, and your mums likely envious - from talking to you before it sounds like you are also very dedicated to your study and future - obviously modelling isn't a life long career, but you have an impending professional qualification, so its not like you're not "hedging your bets".

Keep doing exactly what you want, and have fun!
Thanks! Yeah I'm in Briz now (from Canberra) but my mum rang me up on my mobile last night esp to give me crap about what I was doing.

It was unexpected coz at first she was being all friendly, then was like 'ok when are you gonna quit this crap and grow up, you're 22 now bla bla you have to act like an adult' and stuff :frown:
EDIT: apparently it's a real problem.
Reply 9
If you're getting paid well for the modelling, dont see the problem, if on the other hand youre still waiting for a 'big break' and struggle to meet the costs of your lifestyle perhaps you should consider what shes saying

Oh promotional modelling is paid really well! :smile: Much more than what I get doing reception work, but the problem is that it's often unexpected, you never know when you're gonna get work.
shady lane
This is the second thread by danni bella where she asks some supposed "question" but really just wants to brag about being a model.

The last I believe was "why does everyone think my boobs are fake because they're big? when i model clients ask if they're fake"

yeah your right there shady, don't see why people need to brag
Reply 11
Oh promotional modelling is paid really well! :smile: Much more than what I get doing reception work, but the problem is that it's often unexpected, you never know when you're gonna get work.

so if youre not getting a regular income, enough to sustain your lifestyle anyway, then maybe you should consider switching jobs.
Reply 12
shady lane
This is the second thread by danni bella where she asks some supposed "question" but really just wants to brag about being a model.

The last I believe was "why does everyone think my boobs are fake because they're big? when i model clients ask if they're fake"
You know I was gonna post this in anon thankyou very much, but I don't believe in using that function anymore if it's not necessary so no I'm not doing what you are assuming I'm doing :smile:

I'm genuinely depressed about a PHONE CALL from my mum last night b/c she was putting me down about being lazy when I'm not and am at uni studying science.
shady lane
This is the second thread by danni bella where she asks some supposed "question" but really just wants to brag about being a model.

The last I believe was "why does everyone think my boobs are fake because they're big? when i model clients ask if they're fake"

I was wondering why everybody is taking this at face value :/
I dont think that constitutes clinical depression...
You know I was gonna post this in anon thankyou very much, but I don't believe in using that function anymore if it's not necessary so no I'm not doing what you are assuming I'm doing :smile:

I'm genuinely depressed about a PHONE CALL from my mum last night b/c she was putting me down about being lazy when I'm not and am at uni studying science.

Fair enough. Just saying it sounded kinda shady in the thread's initial title. I was thinking, "isn't it fun being a model?"

Good luck with your mom, hopefully she'll get over it.
Reply 16
so if youre not getting a regular income, enough to sustain your lifestyle anyway, then maybe you should consider switching jobs.
But when I do get work it's easy to make three times as much as I would in reception on the w/e,


you're kinda right there about unexpectedness so I wanna find FT work and do promo on w/e still.

Haha about the poster who asked about why my mum was talking to my ex :p:
Reply 17
But when I do get work it's easy to make three times as much as I would in reception on the w/e,


you're kinda right there about unexpectedness so I wanna find FT work and do promo on w/e still.

Haha about the poster who asked about why my mum was talking to my ex :p:

Precisely, also i think maybe your mom is just worried that you dont have a steady income and that maybe you should at 22.
shady lane
EDIT: apparently it's a real problem.

i don't about that seems to be just general chit chat now
Your mum sounds jealous, and like a bit of an arse aswell.

good point, she does sound jealous, cos you've got and she doesnt/lost it