The Student Room Group

2 faced...

Ok well i had a party and invited all my friends along (including my ex but she couldnt come).

One of the guests was this girl who was friends with my ex and I thought friends with me... Anyway i was talking to people with my girlfriend next to me and she came over to use and said hi and then went to my girlfriend "I like you i really do dont tell [ex] though because she will get mad. I mean i am a boyfriend stealing person as well". In general throughout the evening she was suprisingly nice to both of us, considering...

Then on one occasion I walked in the room and she was slagging me off to my friends saying a few things. I just said thats nice but you dont half the story, and then just walked past her. Later I walked in again (different room this time tho :p:) and she was slagging of my now girlfriend. I was fed up of her at this point because my girlfriend had walked in on something and wasnt happy with it...(I was also drunk...) so I basically had a go at her (was very calm actually didnt shout at all) calling her two faced and explaining the story to her. Then telling her she may be picking sides with her friends, but she does not have to be 2 faced about it, especially at my party.

Anyway basically i felt a little bad about it (because i did think it was justified i just thought the manner was a bit suspect). In the morning though she just didnt seem to remember. So am I meant to say sorry or what? Because i do want to make sure she doesnt do it again, at least around myself or my girlfriend. I mean i dont think i can be friends with her anymore because of just how 2 faced she was... I wouldnt be able to tell if she was just being a friend because she wanted to, or just to get something.
dont feel bad she sounds a right s**t stirrer. Giving her a telling off is a good thing
Reply 2

So am I meant to say sorry or what?

NO! she was completely in the wrong. if she has a problem she should have talked to you about it and not to others. i hate 2faced people-they bug me ooo much :mad: ! she cant expect to be bitching about you one min and all friendly the next morning - tel her how u feel, tell her its not on, not acceptable, because quite frankly, its not!!! dont feel bad or guilty about it at all and most certainly DO NOT say sorry-youve got nothing to be sory about!
Reply 3
Do Not Say Sorry!!
Reply 4
yeah don't say sorry, why should you say sorry? she said all that shizznut about you and your now ms, so yeah, even if she was drunkwhen she said all of that it's not acceptable.
ignore it, i'd avoid her.
Reply 5
yup well as i said we are definetly no longer friends... which is good coz i hate two faced people. A pet hate of mine :p:
Reply 6
thats a good thing =]
there are too many 2 faced people to deal with, everyones 2 faced at some point.
but yeah, good on ya.
No don't say sorry to her, she might have been drunk but still she slagged you and your girlfriend off, don't give her the satisfaction.
Reply 8
dude u did the right thing, people like that live very boring lifes and have to make it better by bitching about other people. under no circumstance apologise and u make sure ur not bloody happy about her performance! cheeky biatch
Reply 9
" I mean i am a boyfriend stealing person as well".

Charming. Did your current girlfriend actually 'steal' you off your ex, which I'm assuming she didn't as you invited your ex to your party?
Reply 10
she sounds like a horrible girl - dont say sorry! you were in the right x
Reply 11
Charming. Did your current girlfriend actually 'steal' you off your ex, which I'm assuming she didn't as you invited your ex to your party?

No I left my ex for totally different reasons... i just happened to get with my current pretty much straight after. It made it easier to do so to speak