The Student Room Group
Reply 1
The main healer is time im afraid. Its always a bad idea to gte with someone as soon as you have broken up with someone else as you are likely to be on the rebound. Im really sorry, to hear about it, but best thing to do is to keep yourself busy. Go hang out with mates, go bowling do something that will take your mind of your ex.
Get out, hang out with your friends go out in the evening. Itll take your mind off her. yo uneed to just realise that its over and theres no point wasting your time and emotions over it.
Reply 3
Can I get a girl opinion aswell please, like to have from both sides of the spectrum.
Reply 4
youve just lost someone you care about deeply, youl be mourning over this, and that completely normal and expected. as the others said, keep busy, try no to think about her too much. over time it will get easier, and sooner or later you will hopefuly be over her and be ready to move on. but don't try to rush this process or you will only end up hurting yourself further.

Im so sorry, hope you feel better soon :smile:
Reply 5

As some ofyou may know my girlfriend decided to call our relationship a day yesterday.
But where do I go from here, I'm not sure if I feel strong enough to let anyone else in my life yet, I can't stop thinking about her!

How do I move on?

hmm i don't think you want to move on that quick, you'll be jumping into something when i think you may just need some 'me' time.

i remember one guy who i really liked at one point, we almost got together but didn't, and it was mainly because he'd just come out of a pretty long relationship and admitted that relationships are ''addictive'', so i was like - wait.

but yeah, you need some time to yourself, think things through. go out for the time being because you have lots of time over the holidays, try going out and meeting new people, doing things to keep you occupied.

it'll all work out for the best =]
Reply 6
But I still see her in my mind as my girlfriend or have the qualities I want!
It seems like no other girl will have what i'm looking for anymore.
Reply 7
Mate, you're 17, stop freaking out. You will get over this, it can't be done overnight, it takes time and you will be fine.
Reply 8
But I still see her in my mind as my girlfriend or have the qualities I want!
It seems like no other girl will have what i'm looking for anymore.

It's very hard to imagine, but there are so many people out there.

In time you'll realise that she wasn't totally perfect for you - she might have been at the time, but there's people out there who are MORE perfect.

Set yourself some goals, hang out with your friends and chat up any girls you can - you're not looking for a girlfriend now anyway, so there's no pressure or anything.

Just try and be a happy fun person and you will become one.

Also, pull loads of girls, I find that helps :smile:
Reply 9
But I still see her in my mind as my girlfriend or have the qualities I want!
It seems like no other girl will have what i'm looking for anymore.

youre bound to feel like that, you stil realy like her. however, in time that wil fade and you wil realise that are plenty more fish in the sea. dont despair, you WILL find someone else who is more perfect for you :wink: ! honest, you will be fine, it may not seem like it at the mo, but everything happens for a reason, and through every situation comes some good :smile: you just gota hang in there and push thru the pain. itl be over soon!
This is normal at 17, your gonna bound to think there's no one else like her, but spend some time with your friends don't show her your upset then it will be her loss, trust me though about a year's time your gonna think well what the hell did i see in her.
Reply 11
after only a day anyone would feel like you do. just try not to think sabout her too much and carry on with your normal life. you will feel better soon.

avoid going out with someone else for now as you need to get over her. if you did go out with someone so soon it wouldnt do anyone any good. and hey, you still have your whole life ahead of you so stop worrying about things like this now. relationships will come and go. just take it a day at a time