The Student Room Group

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Reply 1

5. What if my roommate is a tw*t?

Eat him.

If he's a ****, no one will notice :biggrin:

I'm v. helpful.
Reply 2
hmmmm :wtf?:
Reply 3
1. Can you leave your stuff in the room over holidays or do you have to move out every time?
2. During holidays when you're broke and can't get home, are university lodgings available?
3. What standard things are rooms furnished with (castle?)
4. What is the likelihood of sharing a room with someone?
5. What if my roommate is a tw*t?

*Note - All information is from Mildert which I know about, may be different for you*

1. We had bedboxes which we could store stuff in, I only have a 28 week let though, meaning only term time. You can get lets which last all the time except summer, meaning you can leave all your stuff in the rooms.
2. Depends, but I doubt it.
3. I would guess: a bed, a desk, a sink (and toilet if en-suite), cupboards, shelves, window.
4. No idea for Castle
5. Tough ****.
Reply 4

Well Im not actually a student at Durham yet but someone asked the roomate question at the Aidans Open Day and they said that on the whole they try to match people up who they think are going to get on but if they dont its not impossible to change or swap with someone else so I wouldnt worry. If you dont like them I doubt u would have to see a lot of them anyway because you'll b so busy with everything else going on to be in your room.

I think at Castle, the chances of sharing a room is quite high if I remember correctly but Im sure you'll b fine. Theyre not going to throw you in with someone radically different from yourself.
Reply 5
Answer: You should have applied to Cuths! :biggrin: :p:

Here you wouldn't have to share if you didn't want to, but can if you do want to.
If you're at Parson's Field you get a 32 week let, meaning that you can leave stuff in your room over Christmas and over Easter as long as it's out of sight/locked the rooms are used for Open Days then.
You can stay for longer if you need to.....although you will have to pay....think its around £9/night.

Now on a more relevant note....

1.At Castle you only have a let for the number of weeks the term lasts, so I assume that you have to clear out your room every holiday. The times at which you have to do this are normally quite you HAVE to be out of your room and handed your key in by 5pm on the 14th december (example date and time!) or you will be fined.....unless of course you have arranged to stay for longer. There may be storage boxes, or rooms, but you'll have to ask Matt about that one....if there are, they'll most likely be given priority to international students :smile:

2.It may be possible to stay additional nights at Castle for a small fee, as you can at other colleges....again, you'll have to ask Matt about that. If you can't stay at Castle, I think it's possible to stay at Chad's, at least for some of the time, as apparently it offers university a sort of youth hostel style.

3.I think room furnishings are pretty similar across the university....they will include a bed, desk, chair, sink, light, desklamp, wardrobe, drawers, possibly an additional chair. Additional items depend on college, as does whether you are provided with duvet, pillows, bed linen and towels....I am sure you will be informed of this when you receive your fresher'spack from Castle :smile:.

4.Likelihood is quite high I think, at least for a term. Correct me if I'm wrong but on the accomodation form you're given from Castle you are asked if you wish to share in 1st term or after the 1st term.....the general consensus seems to be that if you tick 1st term, you want to share, and if you tick after 1st term, you do not...bear this in mind when filling out your form. However, if you really do not want to share, you can put this on your form, and the college will do the best they can to accomodate your wishes.

5.If you really don't get on with your roommate.....the worst that will happen is that you'll have to share for a term. But if you really can't stand each other, the college won't force you to live together and are able to separate you or give you a new roommate. I don't think this happens that commonly though, as generally roommates do get on.....the college tries their best to match you up with someone who they believe you will get on with :smile:. The majority of people really enjoy sharing a room, as it gives you an instant friend and someone to go to meals with on those first few days when you know noone. Some even end up sharing with them for the whole 3 terms because they enjoyed it so much!:smile:

I hope at least some of that was useful and relevant!
What!! People in other colleges actually share. How very backward
Reply 7
1. Can you leave your stuff in the room over holidays or do you have to move out every time?
2. During holidays when you're broke and can't get home, are university lodgings available?
3. What standard things are rooms furnished with (castle?)
4. What is the likelihood of sharing a room with someone?
5. What if my roommate is a tw*t?

1 & 2. Unless you rent your room over the holidays you have to take all your stuff home with you at the end of term. If you actually have a room in the Castle then you might have to move to a room in the Moatside, Owengate or Bailey Court blocks of Castle as they rent out the rooms privately to people who'll pay more than the student rate over the holidays. Most people if they have to leave stuff club together with friends and rent one room together where they can dump all their stuff. Or you can always make friends with a second year who might let you leave stuff in their house over the holidays (My college parents let us leave stuff in their house).

3. In Castle you get a bed (obviously), a wardrobe and/or a chest of drawers, a desk and chair, and in the shared rooms you often get a coffee table and a couple of comfy chairs. You also get a bin (woohoo) and most of the time a lamp, although sometimes these seem to go walkabout.

4. Most freshers in Castle get put into Moatside which is almost all single rooms. However there are quite a few shared rooms in Castle and if you are a fresher and put into the actual Castle you will be pretty definately sharing.

5. If you're roommate is a tw*t you can move into a single room after first term. But I wouldn't worry about that, I only know of one set of roommates having a major fall-out or not getting on in first year.
1. Can you leave your stuff in the room over holidays or do you have to move out every time?

No. You can leave stuff in your room if you're in Moatside (but they don't tell you this...) although it all has to be out of sight, i.e. in cupboards. There are storage rooms, but there is a definate risk with leaving stuff in them. I've done it, but it's a hassle, and it's not very secure (although the likelyhood of it being nicked is low, it has happened).

2. During holidays when you're broke and can't get home, are university lodgings available?

Rooms cost £9/night no food (as of 2004/5). As you may know, there is no catering facilities other than a microwave. You can get a room, but it won't necessarily be yours.
3. What standard things are rooms furnished with (castle?)

Moatside, pretty good, if they finish the work (again, no guarantee - I had no shelves or noticeboard for 2 terms) Castle, less high quality, but you do get to live in a castle. You will share if you're in the castle. There are no freshers in Bailey court, and there might be a few sharing in Owengate, there's no singles left there either. Owengate is pretty nice though, the rooms are huge.

4. What is the likelihood of sharing a room with someone?

For you, about 50% I reckon. The upper years living in are large this year, and have taken all the non-moatside single rooms.
5. What if my roommate is a tw*t?

He won't be, 99% sure, but if he is, you can move out after Christmas. If you don't start sharing, they won't force you to start in the 2nd term. The people who do go from singles to doubles do so because they got crap singles, or hate their neighbours. If you like your room, but not your roommate, you can switch roommates at xmas, assuming that they guy you start off with doesn't mind.
Reply 9
You should have applied to Cuths! :biggrin: :p:

The answer to everything!
Reply 10
There are storage rooms, but there is a definate risk with leaving stuff in them. I've done it, but it's a hassle, and it's not very secure (although the likelyhood of it being nicked is low, it has happened).

Actually we're not even supposed to use the storage rooms anymore at all-some people got shouted at by the housekeeper for putting stuff in them...
1. Can you leave your stuff in the room over holidays or do you have to move out every time?
2. During holidays when you're broke and can't get home, are university lodgings available?
3. What standard things are rooms furnished with (castle?)
4. What is the likelihood of sharing a room with someone?
5. What if my roommate is a tw*t?

Just in case anyone has applied to Hatfield and wants some Hatfield related answers here goes.

1) You can leave your stuff in your rooms(apart from A and B stairs I think) only over the Christmas holidays but it has to be out of sight, ie in your cupboard and wardrobe. We were told this was due to trade reasons, ie not as many people wanting to stay in Hatfield over Christmas.

2) Yes, it's probably about the same cost as other Bailey colleges.

3) In Hatfield you'll get a bed, desk with drawers, chair, two shelves, sink(with or without cupboard below), wardrobe(sometimes with a top bit on the top of it which has a lock-although mine didn't work). In the en suite rooms in A and B stairs you get an ensuite shower, toilet, towel heater and mini fridge. You do have to share these rooms though. For all rooms however, you do have to bring your own sheets, duvet and pillows.

4) In Hatfield it depends where you get put. If you're in Bailey House or Palmers Garth you're likely to have your own room. Saying that though I was in Kitchen Stairs and had a single.:biggrin:

5) Tell Lynne Berry(Admissions Secretary) immediately if you just don't get on with your room-mate seriously. She'll then help you to move if there are. rooms available.
Actually we're not even supposed to use the storage rooms anymore at all-some people got shouted at by the housekeeper for putting stuff in them...

******* to that, she can carry all my stuff to Newcastle Airport then pay the excess baggage fee (@ £4/Kg) if she's not going to let me leave stuff in the storage room.
Reply 13
Reply 14
wait so cuths is good for getting my own room?

i need my own space, i couldnt stand being with another person in terms of sharing a room with them.

On the thing i got from durham for accomodation i put

first choice - single with shared kitchen
2nd - single - short term not catered
3rd single long term not catered
4th single catered
5th sharing not catered
6th sharing catered

I hope to god i dont get shared. I put bloc party as my musical interests, please god i dont like electronica #

I also put punk, heavy rock. the nearest thing to this is greenday and system of a down :redface:
wait so cuths is good for getting my own room?

i need my own space, i couldnt stand being with another person in terms of sharing a room with them.

On the thing i got from durham for accomodation i put

first choice - single with shared kitchen
2nd - single - short term not catered
3rd single long term not catered
4th single catered
5th sharing not catered
6th sharing catered

I hope to god i dont get shared. I put bloc party as my musical interests, please god i dont like electronica #

I also put punk, heavy rock. the nearest thing to this is greenday and system of a down :redface:

HAHAHAH:smile: i dont think ur the only one who said "i need my own space":smile:))))))), just say ur gay or something:smile:))))))))that would work i think...:confused:
Reply 16
Just be careful not to put down that you like listening to heavy music till 4am in the hope that you won't have to share, or they may very well pair you up with someone who really does do that each night.

Its an unfortunate fact of any university that some people do not make it through till the end of the first term, and whilst durham's drop out rate is one of the lowest in the country, it does still happen.

This means that they can re-allocate rooms if they need to within a couple of weeks, so if there are any problems with your roomate just go and speak to someone and it will be sorted. The "someone" you would need to speak to can vary from college to college, but your JCR/SRC exec will know who it is, and can point you in the right direction.
Reply 17
******* to that, she can carry all my stuff to Newcastle Airport then pay the excess baggage fee (@ £4/Kg) if she's not going to let me leave stuff in the storage room.

Well what with having a new housekeeper now you might be safe to put stuff into the storage rooms.
Reply 18
Mildert is best for having your own room.

Reply 19
There's no sharing chez Josephine...