The Student Room Group

What should i do?

Basically, i met this lad two weeks ago, ive gone out with him and his friends a few times, an he says things to imply that we are together, such as his says to his friends shes taken etc.
I asked him whats going on between us and he said he doesnt know, we are getting to know each other. So im thinking if he doesnt know how am i supposed to know ?
So i went out with him and his friends, they went home so me and one of his friends lady friend ( she is in same position as me really, only known him for short while) and i kissed a guy i knew, now i regret it as i was really really drunk and i feel awful, have i cheated on him?
I dont want to risk falling out with him and i doubt that this girl will say anything as she also kissed another guy( lol i know how it sounds) but i dont know what to do as i believe he is the type of lad that would no longer be interested, and as its only very early days is there any point of me telling him?
i think your going too fast, slow down and get to know him first you;ve only known him 2 weeks thats not really long enough for a relationship to start, not sure if you are ready for it either if your kissing another guy, although maybe you should ask him exactly where you stand, but if he's already said he's not sure then maybe he's not ready either. Depends what age your both at.
Reply 2
If it bothers you, you could tell him that you kissed another guy but that it meant nothing. If he's decent and lieks you alot, he'll respect the fact that you told him.
But if that kiss with the 'other guy' meant nothing, then don't fret over it , just leave it. Mistakes happen, it might be to early days to tell him.
Reply 3
Hes twenty, im eighteen x
Reply 4
yeah, as some have said already, its only been 2 weeks, don't jump into anything.
it takes ages for some couples to realise they should be together, and no you haven't cheated on him, you just went with someone and thats that.
hmmmm usually at 18 your not always sure what you always want but maybe its worth sticking with this guy and getting to know him more but take it step by step
Reply 6
well u are both old enough to know you cant get a relationship out of 2 wks. give it a month or two of getting to know before u rush and fall
and you should know that ur not committed and kisisng isnt a big deal put it down to the drink. it doesnt mean u feel for him less. if u were going out then u would not have done that. u cant dtr unless u do sthg that makes u feel like a couple and it doesnt have to be sexual. its promising that he told his mates ur taken thats just a public acknowledgment to his closest allies that they cant try anything on with u cos he is interested. mark his territory so to speak.
you tried going out alone (as friends) instead of surrounded by people? :biggrin: