The Student Room Group

Is it a Cyst?

For the past two months I have had a lump under the skin on my forehead. I went to see my doctor because I thought it was a cyst. The doctor agreed with me but wouldn't give me any antibiotics (even though it is clearly inflamed- suggesting infection) and instead has referred me to a dermatologist (for which there is a 25 week waiting list :rolleyes:). However, over the past few days the "cyst" has become purple/ blackish in colouring which is naturally very worrying. Clearly I'd like to get something done about it soon-ish because it's on my face and my make-up isn't really covering it up and so it's knocking my confidence!
Has anyone any thoughts as to whether it is actually a cyst? Anyone suffered from anything similar?

Any advice would be brilliant, thanx.

(Sorry about using anonymous, it's just embarrassing and people from school use the site)
Reply 1
Go to the doctor again and pester them into getting you a hospital appointment - you dont want to regret anything in the future x
Reply 2
It's not like we can diagnose you here, so go back to the doctor if it's worrying you.
Reply 3
Speaking as a doctor you should stab it with a needle and see what happens.
ah, so i take it a Cyst isn't a star wars character?
i had something similar on my neck. seemed to go larger during stress times i.e. exams. Now you cant even see it and its only a few mm in diameter. my doctor said it was a 'Sabicous (sp) cyst' if that name rings a bell
Reply 6
Ive got a cyst on my neck and my GP is gonna remove it himself when I can be bothered to book an appointment. Maybe the colouring is just bruising, try not to touch it for a few days and see what happens?
Reply 7
I get cysts sometimes behind my ear. The purplelish color is natural. It goes away after a few weeks. At least mine do.