The Student Room Group


Right, I'm being given contradictory information about this (by the NHS direct website and a family planning clinic, worryingly enough), but can you catch chalmydia through oral sex? Can you give someone chlamydia by giving *them* oral sex? Or is it just through penetrative sex?

Thanks in advance is anyone can help.
The quick answer is yes. You are more likely to catch it during unprotected sex however you can get it through oral sex.
Nothing a weeks worth of anti-biotics won't sort out.
Reply 4
Spiral Architect
Nothing a weeks worth of anti-biotics won't sort out.

And thats the sort of irresponsible attitude that causes STDs to spread.
Reply 5
Spiral Architect
Nothing a weeks worth of anti-biotics won't sort out.

Well, chlamydia can eventually lead to infertility which, as I'm aware, a week's worth of antibiotics won't sort out.

This infection's alot more serious than people seem to realise. It's shocking.


^ See? ^
Reply 6
I know it shouldn't be an answer to unprotected sex, but if you know for a fact that someone who you've slept with has chlamydia then they'll give you super-antibiotics that you take all in one go. But, protection is much better than having to go to the docs and be examined...
Reply 7
i would say be on the safe side and og an dget yourself checked out

lou xxx
ORAL sex can mean you catch chlamydia in your THROAT. This is not the same as catching it through unprotected penetrative sex - this will infect your fallopian tubes and make you infertile if left undetected (which is likely because it often has no symptoms).

The type you get from oral sex may give you a sore throat, and can be cleared up by antibiotics. However if you leave it untreated the infection may move elsewhere.
Explains my sore throat afterwards then