Curious as to what people think of this.
Backstory: Over a year ago I started talking to this guy, we'll call him John. I've known him for about five years but only by sight & name, since we went to the same bus stop. We got on really well and became extremely close.
When our relationship had gotten stronger, I met his then girlfriend and we got on really well as well. We'd go out in groups of three, all three of us got on brilliantly.
Anyway, then John broke up with his ex. The reasonings were logical, not at all malicious or spiteful. This was around 3-4 months ago. I told both of them that I was not taking sides, because they were both good friends of mine. Anyway, she started seeing someone and made out with several people; he started seeing someone but revealed recently that it never went very far because he has recently developed feelings for me.
My friend reckons that both of them are free agents and can see exactly who they want. I have to say that when I discovered my ex boyfriend fancied several of my friends I was not in the least bit fazed; but that could just be me.
I told Jon that if his ex ever found out about us she'd probably never forgive either of us. (I'd like to add, btw, that she is seeing one of his good friends as well!) He said that if she was a true friend, she wouldn't mind: especially since she is seeing somebody else now.
Thoughts on this matter?