My best (male) friend recently told me he likes me 'like that'. We've already made plans to go to the same uni, we are in the same halls and everything. I really care about him but don't like him like that. I've tried to explain to him when he hinted at it before - saying I wasn't ready (I've just broken up with my last bf who hurt me incredibly badly) and that this is a bad time for stuff to start happening. I think he took this as meaning that something will happen between me and him eventually which I know it won't as he has kept persisting. I want to be honest with him but I also don't want to create any bad feeling between us at the beginning of what is gonna be the best few years of our lives, especially as we're gonna be living in such close proximity to each other, and i definitely dont want to hurt him as hes been through a lot himself.How should I deal with this?