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Nightmares and worries about my A-Level results

They come out this week and I've never experienced nerves like the ones I have now. I need straight As to get into my first choice uni and the thought of not getting them is making me feel physically sick. I'm having nightmares about it, I can't think of anything else and it's not even the day yet. I can see myself being actually unable to walk into school to pick the results up coz I'll be so scared.
I know that everyone is feeling nervous but seriously, I am beyond reassurance. I don't want to go to my insurance choice and I have no idea what I would do on a gap year. ANY advice on how to take my mind off this is appreciated.
Good luck to everyone waiting for results. x

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Reply 1
I am in exactly the same position as you. After coming on TSR after my exams, I saw I got a lot of answers wrong and won't get AAA... :frown: waah!
Just go out as much as you can, ring all those long lost friends and go for a drink or something. The more you sit at home infront of the computer or TV the more itll play on ur mind.
Even if you don't get straight A's, they may accept you.
I didn't want to go to my insurance either, and I thought I was gonna fail my maths. Here's what I did, on the recommendation of a family friend who did fail to get in to his first choice the year before.
1) Get your grades as early as possible.
2)If you've got in, don't worry.
3)If not, you need to have done a bit of prior preparation, a la Blue Peter; namely;

-1)Find out some unis that you would be OK going to, that have grades (or a range of grades) you think you might have got - for the course you want.
-2)Find out contact numbers for the departments, make sure that they'll be answered on the day. They will be busy.
-3)Put the places in an order of preference for each situation (e.g. "if I get ABC, I'll go for unis 1 2 and 3; if I only get BBC then I'll not have a chance with 1, so I'll go 2,3,4, if I get BCB, then 3 won't accept, so 2,4,3 etc etc.)

4) On the day, when you get the results, be ready to get on the phone to your top choice uni ASAP. You're supposed to phone up your insurance first, but don't bother with this. Technically you have a binding contract to go to that uni, but if you don't want to go, they're not going to make you. No uni wants a student that doesn't want to be there.
5) Once you've found somewhere that'll give you a place, phone up your insurance and tell them you don't want their place, but don't do this until you're 100% sure that you've got a place at the other uni.

You're not supposed to do it this way, but just claim you didn't know that, and do it this way. The lines will get very busy, very early, so get in quick!
Hopefully your results day will be like mine, you'll be all ready to spend the day phoning up unis, and then be somewhat surprised to have got in to your first choice, but doing the preparation and looking at other choices that you have will settle your mind and give you something to think about other than "OMGOMGOMGOMG" *breath into paper bag*.

Best of luck, whoever you are, and hopefully my advice will be totally needless.

EDIT: Go out with your friends a lot, Watch films, listen to music, do anything to take your mind off it when you don't need to think about it.
Copious amounts of alcohol should do the trick.
Reply 6
Bad Luck!

Oops, I mean Good luck.

Hopefully your results day will be like mine, you'll be all ready to spend the day phoning up unis, and then be somewhat surprised to have got in to your first choice,.

exactly, i did all of the above and worried myself sick, i was 100% convinced id not achieved my stupidly high insurance choice and had all the numbers ready. id even researched colleges to look into resits...

take a look at my previous posts form last year if you want proof!

guess what, i got into my first choice.....

what im saying is that its really not worth the worry, i was so ill on the morning of my results all get prepared but dont exhaust yourself, worriers usually do best :tongue:
Reply 8
As you know, you really are not the only one feeling like this. Personally I had a dream that I opened my results and it just said nothing had been marked. How bizarre! :rolleyes:. I know it's a cliché but there is nothing you can do about it now. I am sure you did your best. Try and keep yourself occupied until Thursday. Good luck :smile:.
Reply 9
Ive had one dream that i failed. Im really worried now and people say don't worry because I worried and i got in. But then again somebody's gotta be crying on results day so it might be my turn although I wouldnt cry about it :smile:
Reply 10
I had somebody ask me today if I would feel inferior if my friends got into their firm choice university and I didn't get into mine! Some people don't choose their terminology very well :rolleyes:.
Reply 11
I'm not sure there's a lot to do really! Dreams are only dreams and of course nothing certain. Juts try not to think about it during the day and perhaps listen to music before you drift off to sleep as the music will make you think about other things. Maybe anyway!
Reply 12
There's not a lot you can do really other than keep busy where possible and stick it out; only a few days left anyway (came around so quick!).

I believe you can log onto UCAS Track at 00:01am on the Thursday and while it won't tell you your grades, it will tell you whether or not you got in. That's one night less of worrying and gives you some time to get prepared before you go to pick them up. (Don't hold me to that, but that's what I was told.)
I am in exactly the same position as you. After coming on TSR after my exams, I saw I got a lot of answers wrong and won't get AAA... :frown: waah!

And to the OP i know exactly what your talking about, iv had a results day dream every other night and its so depressing and im way past the point where anyone can say something to reasure me. Im sort of hopeless and just waiting for it.
Best of luck for results day. :smile:
i once had the most bizzarre dream before my GCSE results came out that when i recieved my GCSE results, they were written on napkins and came with packets of ketchup much like one would find at KFC or other fast food outlets, and the grades were written on the napkins(in ketchup) and they were all ridiculous grades like M or W. I still wasn't worried though, at least not until i saw my actual results which were quite appalling.
Reply 15
I am in exactly the same position as you. After coming on TSR after my exams, I saw I got a lot of answers wrong and won't get AAA... :frown: waah!

Don't let single incorrect answers play on your mind unless there were literally dozens of them in each paper. As a rule, if you got through the paper without hitting a sizeable chunk that you didn't understand at all then you'll have done fine.
Reply 16
King Leigh

I believe you can log onto UCAS Track at 00:01am on the Thursday and while it won't tell you your grades, it will tell you whether or not you got in. That's one night less of worrying and gives you some time to get prepared before you go to pick them up. (Don't hold me to that, but that's what I was told.)

NO NO NO! Do no listen to this, it is WRONG.

Track will NOT update AT ALL until 8am on results day, so please don't sit there refreshing from midnight, overloading their servers.

Reply 17
Don't let single incorrect answers play on your mind unless there were literally dozens of them in each paper. As a rule, if you got through the paper without hitting a sizeable chunk that you didn't understand at all then you'll have done fine.

Oh, I understood it fine, I just got all the answers wrong! (This is maths, so we'll say I got at least 50% cause all my methods were correct)
Reply 18
I had a dream about Exams

i dreamt i got Four A grades, which i _might_, although I only need two and in reality that is what i will probably get (if only just)

but curiously enough I also got an A in McDonalds studies?! Has anyone else had any such ludicrous occurences in their own exam-anxiety related dreams>
Reply 19
i once had the most bizzarre dream before my GCSE results came out that when i recieved my GCSE results, they were written on napkins and came with packets of ketchup much like one would find at KFC or other fast food outlets, and the grades were written on the napkins(in ketchup) and they were all ridiculous grades like M or W. I still wasn't worried though, at least not until i saw my actual results which were quite appalling.
