The Student Room Group
Um. You were 11 and you think you were in the wrong? Of course you should be upset! :eek3: And if you still know who he was you should report him to the police.

(And by the way, you're not anonymous. If you delete your post or something and start it again, anonymously, I'll happily delete mine. :smile:)
I'm pretty sure your behaviour didn't lead to it at all.

And yes, you have a right to be upset about this ... everyone reacts in different ways to things like this.

Perhaps you could consider talking to someone who is more of a professional?
Erm, that stuff's illegal, and no, it's not your fault whatsoever. If a child came and talked to you about the work you were doing, would you see it as a sign that molesting them was ok? I think not. I don't really know what to suggest, but telling your parents that this friend of theirs molested you might be a start - but obviously I don't know the situation, you've got to decide whether you think that they're the right people to tell. Remember that he may have done/be doing this to other children as well; you may not be the only one.
Reply 4
At 11 I would have known that was wrong. I can't take this topic seriously.
At 11 I would have known that was wrong. I can't take this topic seriously.

I've never really seen you take a topic seriously.
Well, I think that if my 18 year old daughter told me that my friend had touched her up as a child, I might be more likely to believe her than assume my friend wouldn't do such a thing. If it's serious enough for you to tell them, then they'll (or at least should) realise that it is important to you.
At 11 I would have known that was wrong. I can't take this topic seriously.

People grow up in different ways, brought up in different ways, different nurturing processes...i'm stating the bleeding obvious here. I was brought up very innocently, was very naive, up to the age of 16 then reality started to truly kick in. Your comment is hardly helpful nor is it a true depiction of the reality...
Reply 8
People grow up in different ways, brought up in different ways, different nurturing processes...i'm stating the bleeding obvious here. I was brought up very innocently, was very naive, up to the age of 16 then reality started to truly kick in. Your comment is hardly helpful nor is it a true depiction of the reality...

All I'm trying to say is a lot of kids at 11 know that sort of behaviour is wrong. It's common sense by then.