The Student Room Group
yes you can change them. I've moved house since, just go onto change details and press update/submit etc :smile:
Reply 2
yes you can change them. I've moved house since, just go onto change details and press update/submit etc :smile:

That option no longer seems to be available on track. I suggest you call UCAS tomorrow and get them to change it for you before results day.
Yeah I tried to change my mobile number and it wouldn't let me. It doesn't matter too much cos I still have that mob!
Ooo didn't know that, I didn't actually check. They must have a cut off point. I agree, just get ringing ucas, they'll sort it out.
Well updates are suspended from now till thurs while they're receiving info back from the unis.
Reply 6
Actually I don't think the e-mail address is critical, as long as your postal address is correct :smile:
Reply 7
Actually I don't think the e-mail address is critical, as long as your postal address is correct :smile:

Yeah that's what I thought. They shouldnt send anything really important by email. What if people dont have computers? Even if you do you may not check your email regularly.

Anyway Thanking you, I shall call UCAS tomorrow.