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Wouldn't have guessed you were a Pacino fan from your sig! :p:

Either way, I love being tall and I would dislike being anythig less than 6ft.
Reply 2
The Basilisk
Do short men feel insecure about their height? I'm asking because my brother is 6ft tall and he thinks he's really cool - I tried to explain to him that height doesn't matter to the average woman but he doesn't believe me.

I love short men - like Al Pacino :biggrin:, so I wanted to know whether men really care about their height like my brother does, and how much they really care.

Well I'm 5' 6", so I'm not tall, but also not tiny. It never really gets to me that much. Sometimes it can actually work to my advantage. The only time it every really annoys me is when my mate, who is 6', makes fun of me, but i counter this with a fat joke, and all is cool, haahaa. :biggrin:
Reply 3
Wouldn't have guessed you were a Pacino fan from your sig! :p:

Either way, I love being tall and I would dislike being anythig less than 6ft.

What sort of height would be considered short in a man, generally? I'm about 5'8'' so I can't really comment from a tall or short perspective.
Reply 5
Wouldn't have guessed you were a Pacino fan from your sig! :p:

Either way, I love being tall and I would dislike being anythig less than 6ft.

lol I love the Godfather - It's my latest obsession.
Can you tell me why you wouldn't want to be less than 6 feet?

It's a quote from Micheal in the Godfather (is that in part one or two?), played by Al Pacino.

EDIT: Unless you actually were talking about the height comment, in which case I'll shut up. :redface:
Reply 7
Your bro thinks he is cool for being 6 foot? Rofl, doesn't have much going for him then. 6 foot isn't even tall for starters.
Reply 8
Well I'm 5' 6", so I'm not tall, but also not tiny. It never really gets to me that much. Sometimes it can actually work to my advantage. The only time it every really annoys me is when my mate, who is 6', makes fun of me, but i counter this with a fat joke, and all is cool, haahaa. :biggrin:

hehe - you shouldn't let it annoy you at all! And I'm quite sure the fat joke is much more annoying :wink:

Because when I am walking down the street I don't have face-to-crotch encounters with everyone. :eek:

Nah, I just like it; it's useful for a lot of sports, I can always see what's going on at gigs etc, I don't have the problem of any girls I like being taller than me (which a lot of them dislike) and just generally I think tall guys look better than short ones. It's a matter of opinion though I suppose.
Reply 10
Your bro thinks he is cool for being 6 foot? Rofl, doesn't have much going for him then. 6 foot isn't even tall for starters.

I know but he's got the build of Mike Tyson so he's moderately tall and very muscular. He's really sad - he always compares his biceps with mine in the mirror.
Reply 11
It's a quote from Micheal in the Godfather (is that in part one or two?), played by Al Pacino.

Part one obviously! Really...
Reply 12
To all of those guys moaning about being short, just be damn thankful you're not Danny Devito. I think he stands at exactly 5' give or take. Now that is short.
Reply 13
lol mike tyson, he isn't THAT big.

Kid needs to grow up :tongue:
The Basilisk
I know but he's got the build of Mike Tyson so he's moderately tall and very muscular. He's really sad - he always compares his biceps with mine in the mirror.

He compares his biceps in the mirror with a 15 year old? To be honest I dont think that he has the build of mike tyson. I dont see a problem if hes just a bit confident - some people are just like that, if he was 5"8" he would still probably be really confiend. Dosnt make any difference really.
Reply 15
Danny Devito stands at 4'10 so im told and uses lifts :P

So to those that plan on coming on this thread moaning about being 5'4, 5'5, 5'6/7/8/9 etc. Count yourselves lucky.
Reply 16
Markus Angelsdaughter
To all of those guys moaning about being short, just be damn thankful you're not Danny Devito. I think he stands at exactly 5' give or take. Now that is short.

So what? I like Danny Devito - he's so small and has acheived so much!
Reply 17
The Basilisk
So what? I like Danny Devito - he's so small and has acheived so much!

What do you mean 'so what?'. Im not insulting him. In fact i love the bloke. He's funny, cool and can still work the gangster look even though hes short as hell. If i ever think to myself 'i hate my height' i always think of good ol' danny boy
Reply 18
Most people prefer the guy to be taller in a relationship, therefore both short guys and tall girls are at a disadvantage and have less people to choose from. So I would say it's better to be tall if you're male and small if you're female.
Reply 19
He compares his biceps in the mirror with a 15 year old? To be honest I dont think that he has the build of mike tyson. I dont see a problem if hes just a bit confident - some people are just like that, if he was 5"8" he would still probably be really confiend. Dosnt make any difference really.

He's a bit bigger than Mike Tyson I think - muscle wise. But he's so obsessed with height - he wants to marry a tall woman so he can have tall kids and he doesn't like me drinking caffine as apparently is stubs your growth.