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then why anon? :p:
Reply 2
Well, there might be a religous reason to it. I think in this day and age we're supposed to accept it as an act of superb self restraint. When actually, it's probably because he couldn't find anyone who'd have sex with him.
Reply 3
you obviously think it's weird since your posting anon... I don't see anything wrong with it if your waiting to have sex with the "right one" it's better than being pressured into it. It all depends on why i guess.
not weird, maybe shy, maybe not confident, maybe smells...
Reply 5
Only 19 years to go until they make a movie out of you!
Reply 6
There's something very pure and beautiful about virginity. I believe that it should be treasured, not gotten rid of as soon as possible as though it's some kind of filthy disease.
Reply 7
21 year old virgin isnt THAT weird...I would probably assume that hes not very good with the laydeez or something:p:

But to never have kissed someone at 21? I think thats kinda odd. But then again I dont know him, or his situation or anything so its not reeally fair for us to judge.......
He is gay
Reply 9
That'll probably be me in a few years, so if I'm still a member I'll tell you
Reply 10
21 year old virgin, I would assume either religious reasons, or extremely shy.
21 year old hasnt kissed a girl...I would wonder whats going on...though could just be shy. I think that once you pass a certain age (around 17!) it becomes very hard to admit that you havent kissed, and first kisses must seem more daunting than when younger.
Reply 11
21 year old virgin isnt THAT weird...I would probably assume that hes not very good with the laydeez or something:p:

But to never have kissed someone at 21? I think thats kinda odd. But then again I dont know him, or his situation or anything so its not reeally fair for us to judge.......

Actually I hate kissing personally. I've only kissed a coupla people!

But I do the whole touchy feely and oral thing so I guess that counts me out!
what if he had the chance before to do some of these things and refused? don't just assume he's never had the opportunity arise (so to speak). I can vouch for that happening as I have turned down things several times before for various reasons.
Where I live, never having kissed a girl makes you gay and therefore a legitimate target for all manner of harassment (sad reminder of what the world is like today) but personally I see nothing wrong with it...some people just aren't sex obsessed!
Reply 13
There's something very pure and beautiful about virginity. I believe that it should be treasured, not gotten rid of as soon as possible as though it's some kind of filthy disease.

Isn't it true that it grows back though if you abstain long enough?
Reply 14
I would happily remain a virgin until the day I got married, if it meant that I could spend the rest of my life with the one person I am completely in love with.
Reply 15
Isn't it true that it grows back though if you abstain long enough?

Reply 16

Why was I not told this during sex ed?
Reply 17
I would happily remain a virgin until the day I got married, if it meant that I could spend the rest of my life with the one person I am completely in love with.

Aww thats sweet... but don't you think that by having such high expectations you'll be even more crushed if it doesn't all go to plan (not saying that it won't ofcourse..)
Reply 18
I can't wait to fall passionately in love with him, marry him, have lots of children, and live happily ever after until the day we die.
Reply 19
Aww thats sweet... but don't you think that by having such high expectations you'll be even more crushed if it doesn't all go to plan (not saying that it won't ofcourse..)

How could it possibly not all go to plan? If you're in love with someone, the sex will be phenomenal. End of. Right?