The Student Room Group


Is there ANYTHING else I can take at home? I'm exhausted. It woke me up at 3.30 yesterday and lo and behold has woken me up today at 3.30. I am in absolute agony with it, maxed out on Nurofen and Paracetamol, drinking warm ribena and wanting to just sit and cry.

IT HURTS SO FRIGGING MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To say I don't know what to do with myself because of it hurting this much is an understatement. I'm sure it's not meant to be as much agony as it is, sure, yeah, it's meant to be very unpleasant and hurt a lot but it throbs and i can't even blow my nose because I can't breathe well enough. I really want to wake my Mum up :frown:
Reply 1
try sleeping on your side then all the fluid will drain into one tonsil making it a bit more bearable, as you will then have a partially open airway.

Ibuprofen is also an anti-inflammatary, so that would be beneficial.
Reply 2
Well my brother's a doctor and prescribed (not literally!!) paracetamol and ibuprofen every 4 and 8 hours respectively, which I'm doing. I couldn't take any more ibuprofen and I'm absolutely fed up of waking up at 3.30 and not going back to sleep. Last night there was nothing on and it was 4 hours pretty much of BBC News 24!

I don't mind having a cough/cold/whatever, it's this bloody pain that I can't take, didn't even realise tonsils had the capability to hurt so much!!
go to the doctors and get antibotics - it will go so much quicker! Also, try eating ice-cream and cold drinks (rather than hot.) Seriously, there is not point sitting it out - just go to a NHS walk-in clinic, you'll probably have to wait a bit, and they will give you some. I've had it twice, and I found that you can really feel the anitbotics working after one dose. anyway, whatever you do, I hope you get well soon, as I know it's absolutely horrible.
Reply 4
Do they work that quickly? Urrrrgh! Must go and get some!!!! We don't have a walk in clinic around here, but when Mum gets back I'll go to the hospital and see the doctor on call (yes, mountain goes to mohammed in Devon lol!!) and get something, anything..........

Won't they only work if it's bacterial though? As I have a rather savage head cold/feel fluey and hot flushes anyway so it might be viral? Oh sod it I'll just go.
I had hot and cold flushes when I got it - like you're shivering one minute, then sweating the next, right? - and the antibotics worked fine. I don't know how they work or anything tho...
Reply 6
Yep, just like that. I work in an estate agents and had to go in yesterday (I only work one day a week), it was absolutely awful, I'd be sat in the office and just be sweltering one minute for absolutely no reason, then get up to walk around/do a viewing and be absolutely freezing.

Have had some amoxycillin now, it's more like a very sore throat and at least I've been able to eat something, just a little bit of relief is so grateful! Hopefully it'll go away now :smile:
Reply 7
You definitely need antibiotics....I don't know if it actually makes it go away quicker, seeing as I always used to be in agony for the same length of time with or without them, but it might do!
You poor thing, really hope you feel better soon :hugs:. I know how horrible it is but hopefully it won't last long. Keep drinking lots as that'll stop you from feeling worse, and ice lollies are great for the pain too! I'm just so grateful that I won't have tonsillitis again :smile:xxx