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Spots appearing in lots of places- acne?

Recently I've noticed that I've gained quite a few more spots where I didn't previously have them. I used to have your average facial flare ups now and then; but I wouldn't have said it was that bad.

But the last month or so, I've developed spots not just on my face, but on my shoulders; all over my back; my chest; and the top of my thighs. At first it seemed like a reaction- my sister suggested perhaps to washing powder or a similar substance. But they don't seem rash like, and like spots they contain pus and bleed once it comes out.

I've considered seeing a doctor, but I'm reluctant to take tablets and there aren't a great deal of effective other options available apparently. My mother suggested it was the start of acne, because the spots are quite severe and even painful to touch. Does it sound like the start of acne?
Your thighs / chest? Pus? That really doesn't sound like acne to me. :eek: I'd get that checked out.
Reply 2
Your thighs / chest? Pus? That really doesn't sound like acne to me. :eek: I'd get that checked out.

I'm a female by the way- but yep, thighs and chest. Not all over my thighs, just right at the very top of them at the sides.

When I say pus I mean it quite loosely- they ooze the same deposits which normal spots do.
Reply 3
sounds like normal acne to me, how old are you? i used to get them on my chest, back, top of my arms - basically where my t-shirt covered - along with my face and neck.

only thing that sounded weird to me was the spots on thighs, and it got me wondering; where exactly are they? do you shave anywhere near them? if you do it could be that your pores are open when you shave and dirt gets in.

it could just be a hormonal thing, meaning they might get worse around 'that time' and then settle down in between, but if they do continue (or are just too annoying to put up with) i do suggest a trip to the docs. they won't necessarily put you on tablets, when i went the first thing my doc gave me was a face cream that dried the spots up (and bleached towels!), when that didn't work effectively enough for me i asked about being put on the pill to control my hormones - never looked back since.
Go see a doctor and get some cream. Id take the tablets though, theyre more potent and will probably fix your spot problems in a month or 2
I'm a female by the way- but yep, thighs and chest. Not all over my thighs, just right at the very top of them at the sides.

When I say pus I mean it quite loosely- they ooze the same deposits which normal spots do.

Hmm. I had acne but rarely got spots with pus in (sorry, couldn't bring myself to say "pussy spots" :biggrin:), and I think the chest/thigh thing is fairly concerning. Probably nothing major but I'd still get it looked at. Face/shoulders/back is normal.
Go see a doctor and get some cream. Id take the tablets though, theyre more potent and will probably fix your spot problems in a month or 2

Side effects are nasty. Some cause you to lose your hair. Nearly all will make you feel sluggish and maybe even depressed and slightly sedated.
Reply 7
sounds like normal acne to me, how old are you? i used to get them on my chest, back, top of my arms - basically where my t-shirt covered - along with my face and neck.

only thing that sounded weird to me was the spots on thighs, and it got me wondering; where exactly are they? do you shave anywhere near them? if you do it could be that your pores are open when you shave and dirt gets in.

it could just be a hormonal thing, meaning they might get worse around 'that time' and then settle down in between, but if they do continue (or are just too annoying to put up with) i do suggest a trip to the docs. they won't necessarily put you on tablets, when i went the first thing my doc gave me was a face cream that dried the spots up (and bleached towels!), when that didn't work effectively enough for me i asked about being put on the pill to control my hormones - never looked back since.

I'm 15 by about 2 months. It's possible that I shave near them- but it's quite high up and I don't generally pay that much attention to my thighs when shaving. I might stop shaving my thighs altogether for a bit and see if that does anything.

My sister got cream for her acne first, but she too went on the pill after it didn't really work.

If it is acne, can I expect for my face to get worse than it was before?
Reply 8
Side effects are nasty. Some cause you to lose your hair. Nearly all will make you feel sluggish and maybe even depressed and slightly sedated.

I started losing my hair in March/April because I got quite ill in February. It's only just stopped and I really don't want to go through it again.. I might regret turning down tablets.. but when I lost my hair I did feel pretty low and I don't want to feel like that again.
Reply 9
theres really no way of telling, some might say that the spots you had before were acne. at 15 i can remember my spots had actually calmed down a bit so everyones different.

the problem is that with you being under 16 they might be relucant to put you on the pill, the only thing i can say is discuss it with your doctor and see what they think is best; if you're really against taking tablets (which are no big deal but i can understand some peoples fears) then ask for a cream and see if it works better than your sisters one.
Reply 10
Yeah- they only gave it to my sister once she turned 16; and my best friend managed to get it when she was 15 for bad period pains, but only after her mother talked to the doctor too. I suppose I can see their reasoning, but just because you're on contraceptives doesn't mean you're going to have sex.

Thanks :smile: I'll try to have a word with the doctor soon.