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What else can i do to help me lose weight?

Ok I'm posting anon as some of my friends come on here and I dont want them knowing I want to do this. I am about 5'2 (female) and I now weight 8 stone (112 pounds). I used to be 9stone but I lost it over a year by eating healthily. The thing is, I think that I'd look better and be healthier for my height if I could lose another stone.
Does anyone have any advice? I already eat lean meat like chicken and replace stuff like chips with pasta etc. I try to exercise a lot by walking and swimming, but what exercise is best to speed up weight loss? Just any help you can give me, I'd appreciate.:smile:
Also, how long do you think it will take for me to lose a stone?
Walking and swimming probably are best, but to be honest, I wouldn't recommend you lose any more weight. That doesn't mean you can't lose fat but don't go down to 7 stone, that's almost certainly just unhealthy.
Reply 2
based on your height and weight, according to the body mass index the weight you are now is perfect (20.8), but going down to 7 stone would make you underweight, so maybe you've got to ask yourself why exactly you want to lose weight.
I might be wrong but isn't pasta just as bad for putting on weight as chips (obviously I mean oven cooked chips not macdonalds chips or fried chips dripping with fat).
Maybe you could join a gym, some of the machines they have there work well for building up/toning muscles which is better for calorie burning as it continues to burn more calories throughout the day.
But I also think generalebriety is right, you definatly shouldn't be aiming for the seven stone mark, it's too little, at the most all you should be doing is shedding a few pounds/toning up.
Reply 4
I really don't think you need to lose any more weight, you sound about perfect for your height. Also, you shouldn't want to speed up weight loss - slow and steady is always better than losing it quickly as you're more likely to keep it off in the long term (as it tends to be a result of a lifestyle change rather than a fad diet).
Sleepy_person!: you're right, although it does depend on the type of pasta, you put on (relatively) a lot of weight eating it.
Reply 6
Conjugated linoleic acid.
Reply 7
'I might be wrong but isn't pasta just as bad for putting on weight as chips (obviously I mean oven cooked chips not macdonalds chips or fried chips dripping with fat).'

No pasta is wayyyyy better for you espcially whole grain pasta....pasta only becomes bad if u put loads of fatty source on top!
Ah I just thought carbs and stuff meant retaining weight, oh I don't know, I'm too lazy to plan what I eat!
Reply 9
I don't know if you need to lose another stone, but to everyone who's saying it would be unhealthy to be 7 stone at 5'2" - on the weight and height chart at the doctor it said I could go down to 7.5 stone and still be in the healthy range and I'm 5'8", which I thought was quite manic.
I don't know if you need to lose another stone, but to everyone who's saying it would be unhealthy to be 7 stone at 5'2" - on the weight and height chart at the doctor it said I could go down to 7.5 stone and still be in the healthy range and I'm 5'8", which I thought was quite manic.

I definitely don't think that would be right as that would give you a bmi of below 17.5 which is classed as anorexic (not saying that everyone at this bmi is anorexic but that is how it is classified by doctors).

To the OP, why not make sure that you exercise regularly and eat healthily and just see what your weight does rather than trying to force your body to lose weight when it probably doesn't want to. I am sure you look great the way you are.
Reply 11
I definitely don't think that would be right as that would give you a bmi of below 17.5 which is classed as anorexic (not saying that everyone at this bmi is anorexic but that is how it is classified by doctors).

To the OP, why not make sure that you exercise regularly and eat healthily and just see what your weight does rather than trying to force your body to lose weight when it probably doesn't want to. I am sure you look great the way you are.

Well it was. I was shocked. As was my mother.
Reply 12
5 ft 2 and 8 stone is almost perfect. if your eating healthily and exercising well (which it seems you are) then that should tell you there's nothing wrong with your size as it is? imho, to lose a stone from what seems an ideal equilibrium is not the best idea.

if you did want to lose the weight i guess you could substitute snacks for fruit and drink water rather than coffee/pop/alcohol. change your walks to a run or something. i doubt it will lose you another stone though, but whatever you do, don't try to force yourself to lose weight if its not happening.
Reply 13
if you speedily lose weight you'll be left with lots of stretch marks lol, plus it may not be healthy to just lose lots of weight already.

just take it easy as you are, try not to binge on junk food ever.. reduce your calorie intake? i dunno.

i wish i could lose a few pounds, to be 8 stone would be great (i'm 5.5 and i'm about 8.7 ish stone) so yeah, but i dunno.. just keep it up.
Reply 14
Want to lose weight? In the words of Billy Connely, "Eat less, move more"
Reply 15
hahaha that Billy Connely quote made me laugh, my advice would be to keep doing what you did in order to lose the initial stone. If you are 5ft6, a girl, and are 8 stone.. would it be ok to lose some more weight? x
Rowing. It trains plenty of muscles (arm and leg muscles), nearly a full-body workout, tones, and can be quite addictive. Try watching it in front of TV. :biggrin: If of course you can't use one at home, go to a gym, but it seems that you don't use a gym based on what you said you do, so all in all... this advice is useless. :wink:

Otherwise, try skipping. If you don't have a rope, get one, if you can't or don't want to, jump up and down, do star-jumps, boxer's shuffle, knee-ups, at any rate vary your jump style, then it's more interesting and you can keep going for longer. It's a good cardiovascular workout.