The Student Room Group

Girl Problem = Confusion

A few weeks ago, I emailed a girl that I had a thing for, telling her how i felt and why. I only emailed because we were both in different countries on vacation. I feel relieved for letting it out, but her reply really annoys me since its confusing. I cant make out whether she feels the same back or is saying no. We continue to email each other almost every day ... which is about 20 days since I told her.

I'll quote what she said... it really confuses me.

since i've started to know you you've become a really really good
friend to me (and it's kind of unfair that school is over just when i
started thinking it coudn't be that bad..

She also said she didnt expect it and was sorry she didnt interpret it.

Any help would be very nice, its just something i wanna get over!
Reply 1
Umm doesn't sound like she's interested tbh...

The whole "you've become a really really good friend" speaks volumes. I think if she felt the same she would have made it clear, but when someone likes you that's a good friend and you don't like them back, then you skirt round the issue more.

I could be wrong but if you're still confused then just ask her if she's interested. Not going to hurt now she knows how you feel.
I think she just wants to be friends for now, perhaps a hint that you acted a little too late? It is quite confusing because it could be one of two things - either she just wants to be friends or she wouldn't have minded having a thing with you but in all probability it won't happen for a while and that she wants to be friends for now. I mean if she really liked you more than a friend there's no reason why she couldn't just say it flat out, so it sounds like she's just as confused as you.
Either way I'm afraid it looks like she just wants to be friends.
My advice in the words of The Beatles would be to let it be. Don't ask her again unless you absolutely need to know. If she doesn't want to be with you like that asking her again might make her awkward.
Reply 3
Thats what I've been beginning to feel. I dont like making assumptions of people, and I can easily be wrong.... but she is often very quiet and shy, and maybe she doesnt know how to react?
Well it was over email! I mean honestly if she can't express herself over email then how can she express herself at all? I hardly know either of you and what I'm saying might be completely wrong but from experience of what I've done in the past and seen others do it just looks like she's trying to let you down really really nicely which is good of her. I could be wrong of course
Reply 5
I dont think I want to ask her again. I dont know if its a good idea but i can try indirectly- through other girl-friends.

But what confuses me most is the line where she says its unfair and it wouldnt be that bad.
Reply 6
i think she liked you before but u just didnt make a move.
Reply 7
If thats true, I gotta find ways to overcome my shyness.
Don't be confused, she dosn't like you in the same way, but is too nice to say it outright. Believe me.