The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Pfft that's what TSR is for :p:
Pfft that's what TSR is for :p:

And you get realistic answers on TSR! Connexions will continuously say "Don't worry, however bad you do you'll be fine."
Ok well sorry for posting such a useless link, im just finding them quite helpful at the moment, because theres some things i cant post on tsr cos ppl i know might see it, even if i did post anon, and relate it back to me.
Ok well sorry for posting such a useless link, im just finding them quite helpful at the moment, because theres some things i cant post on tsr cos ppl i know might see it, even if i did post anon, and relate it back to me.

Ok, ok, I was just messing. I'm sure some other people will find the link useful too...