The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Are you going through puberty per chance?
Reply 2
Prob just your nipples forming if your still in puberty good luck anyways
Reply 3
Prob just your nipples forming if your still in puberty good luck anyways

Well I'm 19 so not really but maybe a couple of hormones flyin around.
Yes that happens to quite a lot of people, its most probably just too much tissue in one place, I am sure it's nothing serious.
Reply 5
are you on the pill? cos i know that can increase the chance of non-malignant lumps. but definitely better safe than sorry and getting it checked out.

lou xxx
Reply 6
he's a guy and :wtf?: is Anon2 googleing....
Reply 7
its probably a mamery gland :p: males do have them they just dont form beyond so many weeks into prgnancy or something.
thats what your doctor will most likely say. wouldnt worry about it
Reply 8
You could be developing a breast. It happened to me. It's natural and should go away after a few months/years. But it's OK, you don't actaully develop a full breast, just this hard lump. Mines gone now so yours should too after a while. I think mine was there for about a year.
Reply 10
If you're worried it does no harm to see a GP.
i dont want to scare you as it is quite rare but males can have breast cancer, im sure it will be fine but its best to see a doctor x
Reply 12
Mademoiselle Dee-chau-nelle
probably just too much tissue in one place

You need to see a doctor becasue it might be paget disease even though it is rare for guys to have it
Go to a doctor and get it checked out. Its better to be safe then sorry
might be a cyst. harmless.

just check with ur doctor
Reply 16
Best to check with your doctor, but if it is something that's come up over a short period of time than it's much more likely to be something that isn't serious. Always better to check though, just to be on the safe side - and just so you know for definate what it is and why it's occured.
Reply 17
Went to the doctor this morning to get it checked out and he said it's pretty much 100% a swelling of the breast plate :confused:

He said it should go down pretty soon but if it doesn't go down or gets larger come see him. But give it a good 2 weeks.

So there ya go.