The Student Room Group

what do you think about this?

this may seem pretty pointless but i really do not get lads at all.

there was this lad in my science class, he was forever staring at me and my friend for the whole of yr 10 and yr 11 GCSE science. and ive noticed he was very shy and tense whenever i noticed him near me or walking past me. i thought he might have liked me or my friend. he seriously was always looking at me and my friend so i thought one time i would smile at him, he just frowned and glared at me....i was pretty confused.

and this lad i was going out with just recently, well when before and when we were seeing each other, he was really nice to me and we had really nice convos on msn. he dumped me after a short while, we still talk but when we talk espesh on msn, hes really nasty to me and left horrid messages on myspace. shouldnt it be me being nasty to him for dumping me? not the other way round...not that i am or would be nasty to said person.

lads just send me mixed messages and i really dont get them at all.

sorry if its really stupid but i wanted to know what you think?
How old are you now?

It seems as though a) the boy is very immature and b) if you want to let a guy know that you like him, do it! In a GCSE science class, if you smile at a boy, he might be totally oblivious to the fact that you are trying to tell him that you like him, especially if he's not had much experience with girls before.

I don't think the "lads" are sending mixed messages that much, they just don't have much of an idea of what they're doing!
Reply 2
im 16, ive just finished my GCSES and im going into my schools 6th form. this lad might still go to my 6th form...i kinda like him, but since he frowned at me i lost courage....
My god you should be lucky he did dump you he sounds like a total prick! Then again it could be to do with age - if you're 16 yrs or younger then I'd say that's sadly almost typical behaviour of the worst type of boy of that age. Loads of 16 year old boys are lovely and easy to talk to and forthright. These guys are obviously immature and insecure.
And if that guy keeps leaving nasty comments then block his arse! There's no reason why you should allow that sort of disrespect, that's just outrageous. The best way to handle that guy is honestly to tell him what a prick he is. I had an ex-bf who sounds a lot like this guy and it worked on him.
im 16, ive just finished my GCSES and im going into my schools 6th form. this lad might still go to my 6th form...i kinda like him, but since he frowned at me i lost courage....

But you don't know why he frowned at you. Yes, he might not like you how you hope he does but you will never know unless you try.

My advice: don't worry for the moment about guys and whether they like you, things will happen given time.
Reply 5
But you don't know why he frowned at you. Yes, he might not like you how you hope he does but you will never know unless you try.

My advice: don't worry for the moment about guys and whether they like you, things will happen given time.

ok then ill do that :smile: thank you
Another piece of advice:

Don't take just one person's advice, see what other people have to say, take everything into consideration and then decide for yourself what you think is best.

Sometimes our own advice is the best advice.
Reply 7
ok then i totally understand, your right take everything into consideration.

and yes he is a total prick..
If one of your friends was in your situation instead of you, what would you advise them?
Reply 9
id advise them to stop talking to the lad on msn, and for the other lad in the science go up to him and talk to him.
id advise them to stop talking to the lad on msn, and for the other lad in the science go up to him and talk to him.

Do that then :biggrin:
Reply 11
ok then! thank you, if hes in my 6th form ill talk to him and for the other lad....block him...