I was going to post a problem like this but i didnt know how to explain it and also it makes me start crying whenever i think about it! I too have recently broken up with my boyfriend because even though I love him with all my heart, I dont love him in the right way-not physically...just as my best friend which he has been for the last few years. Starting a relationship with him was a huge risk and for a while i thought it would work and that i was happy. But i realised i wasnt happy, i was just trying to make myself think like that to prevent myself from having to hurt him. The thing i was most scared of was losing him as my best friend...i feel so guilty the whole time about breaking up with him even though I knew it was the right thing to do. I told him i'd give him space and that he can contact me when he wants, but he said he needs me and all this totally intense stuff that scares me because im so young and not ready for all that. It's flattering but it's making me feel worse as well because I inflicted all that pain on him. Anyway to the OP, sorry got a bit caught up there talking about myself, but just wanted to say Im in the same situation and dont know whether to try and break away from him for a bit (except im going to lose the best friend i ever had if i do) i just wish you luck, because i know im going to need it as well and know how hard this all is xxx